Monday, June 28, 2021

The Disguised Politicians


The definition of disguised - to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity.

The two parts of this definition are applied to what is going on in our nation right now, the false appearance and assumed identity. In this blog entry it is the false representation.

The movement to fundamentally change the United States under the disguise of what appears to be the normal process of change, either politically, economically, racially, or geographically. 

First, politically, some members of Congress and Senate give the appearance of being the great Americans who echo is the voices of the people they represent and that might be the case in certain areas of the country. But those constituents who follow the disguised politician are basically going along with their representatives who are telling them what is right for them and the country. This is dangerous, because if people are just following along with whatever their representatives say it takes away one of our rights and that is they (the politicians) do what we say and not them telling us. They are our voice and represent us and not them representing their agenda.

Second, economically, in the words of James Otis "Taxation without Representation is tyranny". Again, we go back to representation of the people. How can one person say we need to tax the rich? Who are the rich?  Where is the line between the rich and everybody else? These questions are not to be decided by one person.  I believe when such legislation comes up, we should vote, plain and simple. I realize a referendum to vote on a matter of taxes must go thru a lengthy process, but we would have that voice. Another point is if we heavily tax the rich and most of them are business owners they will pass that expense on the consumer, so in essence, the non-rich will end up paying the tax on products and services of the rich.

Third, racially, race has always been a divider not just in this country but all over the world. How does race divide us? Why are we being told at a national level of large groups of people being classified as racist? Again, this goes back to the disguise of our representatives because people will just go along with whatever they say and believe it. Prejudice is the most common form of racism, when a person judges an entire group on based on their race. I believe the United States is a representation of Americans, not a particular color, race, sex, or any other category.  We are Americans - We are One Nation under God, and as God sees us, it is not by the color of our skin. But we have politicians saying we are a racist country. This is not true. But that is not to say they do not exist. We must fight back against racism because we are Americans. 

Fourth, geographically, these are the States and counties across the United States. This is the real heart of the matter. We see every day certain States and counties are either a blue (progressive) or a red (conservative). The Governors and the county representatives fall into the same category as those in Washington D.C. All of this is about the people being represented by elected officials. Now, depending on which party you fall into, progressive or conservatives or independents (the undecided) they will elect who they feel best represents them. The regions of our nation should be the voice to the President and that person again represents us.

My bottom line is until we can all come to somewhat agree on issues which will never be the case. The disguised politicians should stop saying most of the American people agree with whatever legislation, laws etc... because most of the conservatives do not agree with the socialist progressives. If you have been reading any part of this blog, you will know I am conservative.  The narrative that is in most of the media today is wrong and does not represent how I think.  In the past, the political parties would usually come to a compromise on the issues but now it is all one sided. And that side is disguised as an American representation of the people and what they are hiding is the transformation of this country to socialism. 

Rise Conservatives!! 

Let your voice be heard and known to others who are following the socialist's agenda blindly. Speak the truth, question them on their beliefs, educate them on the real facts. Debate is a good practice, and always be respectful. 

Exercise your right to the freedom of speech.


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay 


Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The fact that Americans get to choose the leaders of our country is what makes the United States great.

But, nowadays, the voting system seems to be inadequate. The voting machines are questionable after this last election. The mail in ballots seem to also be questionable. And the progressive want to eliminate voter identification and that is just crazy.

  Why? 🤯

you have to have ID for just about anything that's official and voting is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

I understand technology is always changing the way we do things but we must have voter integrity, because if we don't it just sets us up for all kinds of voter fraud.  I realize nothing is absolutely perfect and corruption free, but by all means possible our elections must be a true representation the of the people. 

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials and tell to keep voter identification a requirement.    

Friday, June 18, 2021

Which Side?

The times are changing.

What do I mean by this?  Society is changing, there is a clear divide between three groups. The Progressives, Conservatives, and Independents. 

The influence of these three will determine who will win this struggle of power at our federal, state and local governments.

Most people are not involved politically because they really don't care until it effects them directly. Once that happens then they get involved but the problem is they do not known what the three groups or parties represent they will just go along with the flow. This is dangerous because a particular party might represent something completely opposite of your beliefs.

So, before your get involved politically do your homework and research and choose which side you are on.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

What Happen?

 This is a big question to those who have been following what has happen in the the last year.  Some will say great advancements and better days to come, others will say it is the darkest of times.

Well, I would like to believe the first, but I'm afraid we are in dark times.  America is clearly divided it is the worst I've seen in my lifetime, there has always been the political divide and its been here since the birth of our nation. Those who are on the side of these are the best of times are the problem. I'm not normally, on the side of criticism in my posts here and I really try to remain positive.  But, what has happened?

It all started last year, with the BLM protest, and the movement to destroy historical monuments and statues and then the defund the police protest. Historically, protest have always happen in the United States its our Constitutional right to free speech and assembly.  But when those protest are against the foundation and principles of this country it is on the borderline of treason. Now that might seem like an extreme statement, when those protest turn into the dismantling and take over of a city police station (Portland, Oregon) this is the agenda of the progressives.  How can this happen without repercussions? The City of Portland was under siege. But yet, the media told the public it was peaceful.  If this had happen 20 or 30 years ago, the National Guard would have been brought in to stop it. 

Today the news reported the murder rate in Portland is up 800% our cities are falling apart. But yet there are people saying these are the best of times.

We need to speak out because if we don't before you know it - it will all be gone.  

I'm am a Patriot, I love my country and I will speak out against those who are trying to destroy the United States.  

 Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay     

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Speaking Out

Image by Firas Samir from Pixabay

 Conservatives by nature are a reserved type of people.  Don't make any waves, don't attract any attention, keep to yourself.  Well, the progressives have been doing just the opposite and now it seems their philosophy has almost become the norm. 

It is time for the silent majority to speak up because if we don't our (conservatives) way of thinking, our values, our rights will be something of the past. 

This blog has somewhat been my voice about my philosophy on life in general and I never really tried to make any really bold statements but not anymore.

From this entry forward I will not be silent anymore.  Statements of values, rights as an American, life and the pursuit of happiness will be the tone of this blog.  More to come........    

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Reason, this word is a major thought process we use it every day sometimes not even realizing it.  It is the justification in our judgement and it its that process we are born with and it varies from person to person but will all have it.

We can build upon it with a lifetime of experiences. Reason helps us make those decisions that are sometimes difficult. Our justice system is base on a reasonable doubt.  Again, we see how important reason is in our daily life. Does this make sense?  a question we often ask ourselves in the course of any day. Reason is our process of what is right or wrong.  

Friday, April 23, 2021



Be Who You Are 


Be That Well

St. Francis de Sales

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Cancel Culture

 It is unbelievable how our society has changed so much in the last year almost to the point I don't feel like I live in the United States.

I understand that change is inevitable but somethings should remain constant, like the Boy Scouts should be for boys and not girls and girls sports should be for girls to compete against one another and not have to compete against boys who think they are girls. I heard about a soap product that had the word "normal" on their packaging, well someone was offended by the word normal and now they will remove it from their advertising. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Mobile Post

I'm going the give this a try, posting via my phone app.  I think the font size will be different and those occasionally missed auto-correct words. But I have ideas during the course of a day and I'll say "I need to blog about that".  But when it comes time to sit down at the desktop I'm thinking hmm want I'm I going to write about. So here it is a mobile post.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


 All of us have a message, something we believe in and want to convey to others.

It seems there is a certain amount of censorship recently in all forms of media and those messages are either cancelled, deleted, or blocked.  I'm mostly referring to internet forms of communication.

Has it come to a point that we need to communicate our voice via a printed format?  

What would Thomas Paine do?

Read here on how a revolution was started on paper

Monday, January 11, 2021


 2021 The New Year or a continuation of 2020

I have tried to be positive about the upcoming year but it has been very difficult. The recent events of the breech of the US Capitol and continued BLM protest, it doesn't seem to be hopeful. The thought of a brighter future seems a little dim now. 

My thought on this is somehow we need to find a common ground.  Politically its not going to happen anytime soon.

So, what will bring us together?

I wish a had an answer, but whatever it might be it needs to happen soon, because everyday that goes by our country will be divided even more.

God Help Us All

Monday, December 28, 2020


On Christmas day in Nashville 2nd Ave was bombed. The only person killed was the bomber. 


On a day for hope and peace.  

They have identified the person, but no motive at this time. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The One Constant

This year has not been a usual year, the world has clearly been affected by the virus.  The influence has varied from person to person, but overall everyone has been impacted. And depending on how each person perceives the virus will determine how they communicate, move about work and in general everyday life.  The politics of the the virus, and how each city determines which businesses are open or closed are also factors in a person life. The vaccine is questionable to some people where others will be standing inline to get it. 

All of these changes are drastic and out of the norm.

But, there is the one constant that never changes or at least should not - and that is prayer.

Our prayer life should always be constant.

Sure there will be days when things are a little crazy especially now.  We are not in control, God is and we should always remember He is our creator and we should recognize that everyday and no matter how our daily life is turned upside down we can only deal with it the best way we can and to pray to God for assistance everyday.   

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Christmas Movies

 I've been a classic movie fan for awhile, so I thought I would post some of my favorite Christmas movies.

1. Its a Wonderful Life (1946)

2. It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)

3. The Shop Around the Corner (1940)

4. A Christmas Carol (1938)

5. The Greatest Gift (1942)

6. Miracle on 34th Street (1942)

7. White Christmas (1954)

8. Holiday Affair (1949)

9. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

10. Holiday Inn (1942)

11. Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer (1964)

12. Frosty the Snowman (1969)

13. The Little Drummer Boy (1968)

Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Time and Place

 In this historical year of 2020

All of us have our place in history.  We all have a story to tell about this year, some good and some bad.

One day many generations from now people will talk about the year 2020 just as they have talked about the Spanish Flu of 1918. Probably, only the young one of today will be able to talk to the future generation of how they survived 2020.  I'm sure someone has studied the Spanish Flu and what they did right or wrong, but because of the advancements in medicine I would believe most would not apply in todays pandemic.  

I wonder what future pandemics will face and will it even compare to what has happened today.  

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Sounds of the Season

 Christmas Music

The music of the season with all the happy good feeling tunes of Christmas, maybe with the exception of Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley but its Elvis - its good.

So, here are some good classic Christmas music

Keep Christ in Christmas

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tis the Season

This is the time of the year when the world is focused on the birth of Jesus Christ. It is especially a prayerful time not only for the faithful but even for those who are lukewarm in their faith.

I believe this year especially we all need to re-group and turn our eyes to God and pray for the end of this pandemic. 

This time of the year I will usually rant on about how much people will spend their dollars on Christmas gifts, but this year I'm going to focus more on the good then the negative. The world is in a state of hearing bad news everyday and I will have the good news here.  

Keep Christ in Christmas



Friday, November 20, 2020

Businesses Gone

I work in downtown Nashville and over the pandemic months I have seen many businesses closed their doors forever.

I went to most places for lunch. I got to know many of the people that worked there, not necessarily as friends, but a nice interaction with some kind people.  It is sad in many ways.  People have lost their jobs and businesses that were open for a long time are now closed. 

Hopefully, as time heals the wounds to the city's economy new businesses and people will come back.    

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Battle of Debates in the Political Parties

The battles of the election are in full attack mode.

Some say the election is over, others say its not.

What is the root cause of these battles?

The news is the primary instigator.  We receive are daily information in a wide variety of news formats, television, social media, and actual newspapers, all of these and more are affecting how we choose are battles of the debates about our differences.

Now with that said, some people are more prepared for debate than others.  And what I mean by debate is the discussion of the current political arguments.  I have learned that in any debate one must be able to understand and discuss the opposing viewpoints.

But here is the problem, if the only information received is one-sided you can not begin to understand the opposing viewpoint. And from that point on the battle begins.  People involved positions of government i.e., senate, congress and the presidency all have their opinion on how things should be ran, without giving any thought to the people who opposed them. So, to gather their weapons and to strengthen their armies their opinions are given to the news media or the recruiter's.  

People have a tendency to believe what they constantly hear or read and anything outside of the "normal news" must be wrong. The only way for the battles to end is a simple understanding of ones point of view.  I have had political discussions with those who completely disagree with me, but in the end it usually comes down to respect and a mutual statement of "we agree to disagree".   


Monday, November 16, 2020

Is this the Best of Times?

The world has dramatically changed in the last nine months. At some point I think a lot of people thought the COVID virus would have been over by now and life would go back to normal.  But it hasn't, and the future doesn't look any better.  The presidential election has not officially been declared by the electoral college and when that decision is official, I believe the United State will no longer be the same.

So, what is next?

In my opinion, if Biden gets into office we will have a nationwide lockdown and if the states do not agree, Biden will move to influence the mayors to do the lockdowns.  If Trump is elected, the state will have the freedom to either lockdown or open their state. The cites that are on lockdown will have to be influenced by the governors whether to open their cities.

My point here is, depending on who is in office will be the deciding factor on when we will make the recovery process back to the best of times.  

Just my opinion......