Showing posts with label foreign affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foreign affairs. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

American Independence?

The announcement yesterday from the Biden administration to stop the import of Russian oil should have happen months ago.  But we should not have been doing business with them at all. 

I remember a time when I was younger, if I saw any product that was made in another country it was a rare thing and nowadays its rare to see an American product.

We have lost our independence on goods.  We have come to dependent on other countries and just like American companies are closing off goods and services to Russia the same could happen here. If a country is in disagreement with US foreign policies they could easily eliminate the export of their goods to America. And the commerce battle lines will be laid out.

The United States historically has been known for independence and freedom, we are no longer that country.  The next time you buy any product take note where it was made, then come to the realization it might not be available the next time. Now is the time to buy American and take in consideration the materials used to make that product. 

Do those materials come from another country?

Buy 100% American made products, I realize this is a difficult task because of the convenience of just buying what you need and not doing the research.  This is the only way for us to regain our independence.  


Photo Pixabay -  Mediamodifier   

Saturday, February 12, 2022


 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

This is the primary reason why Russia is going to attack Ukraine. The Soviet Union lost a majority of its territory in the 1990's after the break-up of the communist countries that were a part of the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin knows Ukraine could possible join NATO which means - Ukraine would have the military backing of the world super-powers, which includes the United States.

If he attacks now none of NATO forces would be obligated to assist. But if Ukraine becomes a NATO member then an attack on them would be an attack on 30 countries.   

Monday, February 7, 2022

Ukraine part 2

My original post on January 26 I stated that World War was coming. I believe now its inevitable.

The news recently has said 130,000 Russians troops are on the Ukraine border, this is the largest build up since World War II.

The United States has to be on full military alert, because like I said before there are more countries who will get involved once the Russians cross the Ukraine border.  

"Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it", this quote means more now than ever for the world.  The United States did not get involved in World War II until the attack on Pearl Harbor which was a surprise attack.  China, Iran, and North Korea are all enemies of the US, and what makes this so different from World War II, these countries are super powers with massive military capabilities. And more importantly, long-range nuclear missiles.  

Russia is testing the world.  I do not believe sanctions will work, the United States is going down that road with threats of sanctions.  Now is the time for America to flex its military muscle.  

This build up is different from recent Middle East wars because of the countries involved.  In Iraq and Afghanistan we fought against one enemy and no nuclear weapons this is the main element that makes this so dangerous.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022



The world is watching the events unfold in Ukraine, but most people couldn't care less or are not even aware that a major world power is about to invade another country.

More than 100,000 Russian troops are surrounding the country - this is not a drill!  I believe that war is inevitable.  Russia has tested the world. Our response and the world response should be quick and without compromise.  One element of this buildup is that the world leaders should realize the Russians are not alone.  I say, they are not the only aggressor, China is silently backing them and why is that?  Because China is about to invade Taiwan. Does this sound familiar?  Germany and Japan, World War II. And this also includes Iran with its nuclear build up and Israel being the target. And lastly, North Korea on January 5th launched six ballistic missiles "testing them". I sure that once all of the events begin with this invasion all of the above mentioned countries will become allies of Russia and their attacks will commence on their selected countries - the beginning of the next world war.            


Image: Pixabay WikiImages

Saturday, September 7, 2013

In the News

I normally try to say positive in my post but I have to share my opinion on some current events.

The world is an evil place - there will always be at least one dictator over some country to cast a net of malevolence over the people.

I am talking about Syria.

Here we have a country where a mass killing has been committed and everyone is pointing at the other on who did it (Assad-Rebels).

The problem is now the US wants to get involved. This is a civil war. There are at least five different rebel forces fighting against Assad and that is not mentioning the unorganized groups. One of the five is Iran, who is friends with Russia.

The US should not get involved – it is a powder keg waiting to explode.

Our military is the greatest fighting force in the world. The air and naval power alone probably would be enough to settle the whole civil war, but again it would set off a chain reaction in the Middle East and escalate to a much larger World War.

Let us stay focused finish Afghanistan and regroup.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Can You Change the World?

I believe anyone can change the world. Your approach to the process will depend on your abilities, passion and resources.

Does it take money? Yes and No
I have worked in a non-profit environment and I have seen the struggles of funding. The impact of dollars can buy food, clothing and housing. Also, if most people are asked “what would they do if they won the lottery?’ somewhere in the list of things they would buy would be a donation to a charity. You can also change the world without money; simply by being kind to everyone you meet everyday.

Would you have to invent something? Yes
The fact that I have posted this blog entry on the internet through a computer is proof that invention can change the world. The discoveries in medicine, space exploration are just a few things that have change the world.

Can you change the world one person at a time? Yes
Absolutely and it does not cost any money and you do not have to be a rocket scientist. The simple act of kindness to everyone you meet, everyday can change the world.
Why? because it is contagious.

Does it take a leader to form a group with a mission? Yes
A leader can transform any group whether it is business, religious, political or volunteer. If you take a moment and think about all the leaders in the world, past and present, you will see that leadership can change the world.

Can one event in someone’s life change the world? Yes
My first thought, Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection changed the world.

Can you be anonymous and change the world? Maybe
I think it is possible, but in today’s world, unless you have complete secrecy, someone will find out.

Are There Other Ways You Can Change The World?