Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label philosophy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Are You Convinced?

When I was in college, I took a philosophy class.  I will admit this was a deep subject and sometimes challenging to follow.  One thing I remember is in presenting an argument about a particular topic, you had to understand both sides.  It was a way to understand the opposing point of view, which helped explain your own viewpoints.  This was not just to say who was right or wrong, but it could open discussion without judgment. Although the objective was to convince the opposing viewpoint to your own.  In the past, I've been in conversation with people of opposing views, and once they discovered my take on a particular topic, this escalated into an argument. It became the I'm right, and you are wrong discussion, which never came to a conclusion.

I'm stating this to say, with all the controversial topics, abortion, COVID, immigration/border, the economy, progressive/conservative politics, and the list goes on... 
I realize people feel strongly about their own philosophy, but when the realization of trying to convince the opposing view to your own, the conversation could become endless. At this point, one must end with a final statement, "we are going to have to agree to disagree," and hope the two parties can remain civil.

My philosophy here is to share my opinions and hopefully convince those who might read them to consider other points of view.

Photo: geralt/pixabay