Showing posts with label eternity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eternity. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2024


Forever is forever.

Think about that for a moment.

When we say forever, it means never-ending. It goes on for eternity.  Now, apply it to your spiritual life. Do we pray and hope for life after death, to live forever? I think most live just for the day and the moment. Not thinking about how our thoughts, words, and deeds affect our forever life after we die. But most of the time, especially in our younger days, it seems like we will live forever. The actual reality is we start the dying process once we are born into this world. The time for us to prepare for our eternal life is now. God has given us the guidelines for us to follow through the Bible. For thousands of years, He has been telling generation after generation how to live forever in heaven with God. But do we listen? I would say most of the time, we don't hear Him. That's why praying and reading the Bible every day is vital. Any day, your time ticket will arrive for the journey to eternity, and that ticket is a one-way to either Heaven or Hell. 

Where do you want to spend your forever life?

Photo - pixabay - TheFunkypixel