Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Difference

The fundamental difference between to two parties is dividing our country.  And I do not foresee either side changing its point of view. According to the poll, one issue is that both can agree the cost of living is an issue.  

Wow, that is something we can agree on.  

 I noticed in the poll they listed the top four issues for democrats compared to the three issues for republicans.  This is just another way for the media to only expose to the public what they regard as issues in the United States.  

The midterms are days away, and these are the issues voters will choose the candidate who best aligns with what is most important to them. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Divided Country


The picture demonstrates the anger in the Democrat Party about the Republicans or the MAGA Republicans, as Biden said in last night's speech.

His speech clearly divided the country; if there was any chance of uniting us, this definitely ended all means of us coming together. I realize there have always been differences, but this goes way beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime.  He spoke last night about the MAGA Republicans, about 75,000,000 people, and how they were against the Rule of Law and the US Constitution. I think the main issue that is so disturbing is the spin he put on everything he said, and the sad part is that the media will expand on his speech and spread even more lies. The MAGA Republicans are the true patriots, believers in the values to which this country was born. The Republicans are not a threat to America.

The real threat to America is Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Make America Great Again

Thursday, February 24, 2022

NATO and Ukraine

There is too much going on in the world. It's one thing to see a country going through troubling times, but when their troubles become ours and the world then that's a problem. Putin has said if anyone interferes with his attack on Ukraine, they will suffer consequences.   

The war in Ukraine is influencing countries world-wide from financial markets to the price of oil. Putin needs to be stopped now. The countries that surround Ukraine are not strong enough to defend themselves so, they will rely on NATO which the United States is a member.  Those border countries are Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. If Russia fires rounds into any bordering NATO country or advances his forces, it will activate Article 5 of the NATO alliance.

NATO Article 5 highlights:
  • Collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
  • NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
  • NATO has taken collective defense measures on several occasions, for instance in response to the situation in Syria and in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
  • NATO has standing forces on active duty that contribute to the Alliance’s collective defense efforts on a permanent basis.
NATO - Homepage

If Russia advances into any NATO country, it will be the beginning of World War III.  I have stated this many times in previous post and I pray it doesn't happen.