Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label respect. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2020


The month of July

The patriotic month for the United States.

But it has not seemed so patriotic with groups of people trying to dismantle our history. The history of the United States is what we have, good or bad its ours.  And with our history we learn how to make life better for us now and in the future. 

This time of protest is the first for me in my life to experience the un-patriot. America has within always had differences in opinions but the disrespect I have seen to law, various institutions, history, and the American Flag has been troubling. I realize that not all of America feels this way. The silent majority is quite and observing. I believe the reserved citizens will not take this anymore. Peaceful protest will begin, and the introverted majority will come out and unite against this disrespect for our country.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

In Service

Last month police officers in New York were attacked/insulted by a group of people in the area where they responded. Anyone following the news or YouTube could not miss the story of complete disrespect for law enforcement.

Just a few comments...

I put anyone in the professions of emergency services - police, firefighters, paramedics, EMT's in the same category as the military because they are first responders. They rush to an emergency when we need them. And they put their lives on the line every day for us. How many occupations can have that in their job description?  So, how can anyone disrespect someone who might come to save their life in a time of crisis? I just don't understand.

Pray for our first responders 

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Religion and Politics

The subject matter is sometimes considered taboo in most group settings. The consequences of such a discussion could result in an argument, but that is the sole purpose behind the freedom of speech. You have the right to voice your opinion. Where it gets tricky is when people do not know when to stop, or they lack the diplomacy to even have a discussion of this matter. If done correctly, religion and politics can be discussed openly and freely. Anyone in a conversation like this must respect the opposing person. Respect should be mutual to carry on such a debate.

Religion and politics are even debated among presidential candidates. Why are these two topics so powerful? The main reason is both have the influence to change the world. And depending on your point of view can be either good or bad. The separation of church and state is a central component of this debate. Religion is connected to politics. We as a nation have God printed on our currency, pledge allegiance under God, and open government meetings with a prayer, and in courts of law, we swear to tell the truth. Religion is very much at the roots of the founding of the United States, and we should be proud that we live in a country where it is our God-given right to practice and say how we feel.