Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2023

Keep it Simple

Why does politics have to be a component of every decision we make?

This applies to almost everything we hear in the news.  Within businesses, we see this when large corporations compete with other companies; someone is always trying to make a deal with a politician to gain some advantage over their competitors. I don't believe this applies to lower-level office departments, but to some degree, the "office politics" is in progress daily. The entertainment industry has a load of political actors who use their popularity to manipulate fans. And, of course, the sports industry, like the entertainment industry, has its fair share of opinions.

My opinion is to take the politics out, and I know that is impossible, but why can't marketing, businesses, sports, and entertainment eliminate the political aspect. We already have enough problems, so why add to the stress. Keep everything simple; everything does not have to have a political agenda.

Photo - pixabay - flockine               

Monday, February 13, 2023

No Football

The top news story today is about the Super Bowl.  This is to be expected because of all the hype that traditionally surrounds this major sporting event. Everyone cheers for their team, or they have wagered a bet, and some for the halftime show and commercials.

I, for one, did not watch it.  I am a former fan of the sport, a season-ticket holder, and a fantasy football fan player. Several years ago, I was saddened when all of the wokeness infiltrated the league. I was a fan because of the sport itself but mostly because it was a uniting event with no politics, no agenda, no X-rated halftime show, and an overall patriotic demonstration of two of the best teams in the world of an American sport. America seemed to be united, and political differences were put aside, and for the day, it was about the game of football.

The NFL, the Grammy award show, and other Hollywood liberals are doing their part with those who want to change how America has traditionally viewed the values for which this country was founded.  The Judeo-Christian values have become a thorn in the side of those who want to make America progressive to the point where anything goes; no matter the agenda, there would be no limit to what is said, no limit to what is shown. The one way to fight back is to voice your opinion openly and not give into the woke society pressure just because it's the popular thing to do.

Photo: - pixabay - alessandra1barbieri

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Summer and Baseball

 Nashville Sounds Baseball Park

The perfect summer sport

Looking forward to the beginning of warmer temperatures and being outside watching a good game of baseball.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Baseball Again


A couple of days ago Major League Baseball had their opening day, the return of the baseball season. 

The last few years I have not followed any sports at all, because of all the BLM, wokeness, and any other political wind that might be blowing on any particular day.  It seems when all of this started the left was using a captive audience to spew their message.

But here is the important point that people miss. Sports should be a uniter not a divider and especially not a political platform. In the past, fans came to the games from all races, creed, religions, male, female or different political views and no one made statements to lean the fans in a particular direction. The only part of sports that should be controversial is who will win the game, because it's about competition. So, the people should only be comprised of the fans cheering for their teams.

The reason I'm making this statement is I miss watching the game of baseball and for all the negative above statements, I willing to give it another chance. So, this year I will be following my team again - the Alanta Braves.

And also following the Nashville Sounds Minor League Baseball team.

More blog posts to come from a more hopefully optimistic baseball fan.




Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Minor League Baseball

Nashville Sounds Baseball 

Missing the game hope we can get back to this one day

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Flag and the NFL

I like football. I mostly watch college ball lately because in recent years of what the NFL has done and approved of with the actions of there players. 

Here's the deal. I hope that one day I will watch NFL football again, but they will have to redeem themselves. If there is one thing the represents this country its the American Flag, don't disrespect it. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

College Football Playoffs

It is playoff time for College Football

Since I do not follow the NFL I have focused now on college football.

My team: Notre Dame 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Stand for the Flag

A few days ago, I had someone ask me about watching Pro Football (NFL). And my next statement was I stand for the flag. I do not watch the NFL anymore. This is not to say I will never watch it again. But until the NFL changes its position on the players kneeling during the National Anthem. I will not support them. I served this country and the flag it represents which includes the people who have died for it.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What's the Purpose?

I've been hearing in the news about college football players receiving money or special favors for playing on the team.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't college about getting an education and not about how much money you make while on the team.

In some conversations, some people believe the players should get paid. They are students, not employees. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jim Thorpe

In 1950, Thorpe was named the greatest athlete of the half-century. He excelled in football, and won the pentathlon and decathlon in the 1912 Olympics.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Intercollegiate Football Centenary

September 26, 1969 in New Brunswick, NJ

Stamps Issued - 129,860,000