Saturday, April 9, 2022

Baseball Again


A couple of days ago Major League Baseball had their opening day, the return of the baseball season. 

The last few years I have not followed any sports at all, because of all the BLM, wokeness, and any other political wind that might be blowing on any particular day.  It seems when all of this started the left was using a captive audience to spew their message.

But here is the important point that people miss. Sports should be a uniter not a divider and especially not a political platform. In the past, fans came to the games from all races, creed, religions, male, female or different political views and no one made statements to lean the fans in a particular direction. The only part of sports that should be controversial is who will win the game, because it's about competition. So, the people should only be comprised of the fans cheering for their teams.

The reason I'm making this statement is I miss watching the game of baseball and for all the negative above statements, I willing to give it another chance. So, this year I will be following my team again - the Alanta Braves.

And also following the Nashville Sounds Minor League Baseball team.

More blog posts to come from a more hopefully optimistic baseball fan.




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