Showing posts with label mandates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mandates. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

No Mask Required - my opinion

The recent judicial ruling on the mask requirement on transportation has been dropped, and when the news was received by those passengers in flight, there was a burst of celebration.  This was the last federal requirement for masks to be mandated on all public transportation. 

But as expected, the political progressives in D.C. did not like it. The Biden administration is expected to repel the decision. The longer this repel takes, and if the decision is reversed, I can't even imagine the protest that will take place.  Some might say if it is repealed, people will conform and give in to wearing masks again.  I say progressive and conservative, or "ordinary non-political" people, might agree to some common ground on this topic of no more mandates. I also realize there will be those who will wear a mask till the day they die, which is their choice.  

We all want this to be over. But I believe the political agenda of the elected progressives will try to force us back into the pandemic lockdowns again because without the control of mandates - they have no power to regulate us. 

photo -  Hatice EROL - pixabay     

Thursday, March 17, 2022

We thought 2020 was Bad a Year

All of this year's events have been overwhelming with mandates and vaccine enforcements, supply chain issues, high gas prices, the trucker rebellion, elementary and high school curriculum wokeness.  And "men" having babies and competing in women's sporting events. I also, should mention the threat of World War.

How crazy does this sound?

2020 was bad, but 2022 is not the best of times so far.

A bit of all this chaos has continued on from the last couple of years and seems to be getting worst. Our politicians from a local level all the way up to the Biden Administration need to get out of the way and let a preferably conservative leader take charge. 

This madness has to stop!         

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Trucker Rebellion

 Truckers around the world are beginning to see the impact they have in world politics.  The Canadian truckers have started a rebellion that is sending a message of freedom.

I read a news story today about truckers in Vienna are starting to form an alliance with the Canadians, and the American truckers are doing the same.

I believe this is just the beginning. Freedom from the vaccine mandates will only grow stronger and probably expand into other industries. The power of the people to unite under the common cause of freedom can not be suppress and the more resistance they receive the stronger they become. 

Friday, January 14, 2022


 A battle won in the the war on freedom.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled against the vaccine mandate for businesses.  This victory is significant because the progressives have assumed for a long time that they would always get what they wanted because they are the majority (only by political office).  The conservative side has won its first major battle in the war on freedom. Although, not everything passed, healthcare workers will have to be vaccinated.  The governor for the State of Tennessee has said he will fight against this at a state level.  So, the battle is not over at least for the state.  

We must stand against this movement for more government to control our lives, this decision was not about healthcare.  We have a good system in the United States at least for now, our voices are still heard.  Let freedom continue grow and flourish.   

Thursday, January 13, 2022



Time to get back to more political topics.

The vaccine mandate is now before the US Supreme Court.  The case presented before them is, can businesses with more than 100 employees be required by the the federal government to have their employees vaccinated or if not, unvaccinated employees to have weekly negative COVID test.

My response - less government in our life the better.  We should be in charge of our own health.  I realize the folks on the left will argue the mandate is for the protection of everybody, but where does this stop?  If this mandate passes, then what is next?  Will you be required to take a flu shot every year?  Our health is personal, it is our decision on how we manage our physical wellness.  The vaccine is not a one size fits all kind of shot.  Complications and reactions have already be reported.

This mandate is about control.  The more regulation - the more they can tell us what we have to do. And especially if it becomes law, then if we not comply - we are breaking the law. Just look at how crazy it is in Australia, the people there are not free and the sad part is most of them are okay with all the suppressive mandates and laws.

Keep America Free - No Mandates !  


 Photo credit: pixabay Tumisu 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Do Not Forget the Past

 "Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it"

This is exactly what is happen today.  Tomorrow a decision is going to be made my the Supreme Court about Federal Mandates on businesses for their employees to be vaccinated and enforced by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).  I'm personally against this, vaccinated or not people should seriously look at this and realize this is clearly over-reach by our government.  We must have a choice in this matter.  It is not one-sided. Because, if we do not stop it here what is the next mandate?  In the news on any given day you can hear stories from countries around the world about strict mandates on lockdowns, the gathering of people in public, and vaccination requirements to enter a business.  Where does to stop?  I realize there are some who are for the mandates and if they want to live in an oppressed society then leave the United States.  

This is a free country and freedom means a choice in matters that involve us personally.  All throughout history this same scenario of mandates to force people to comply has been repeated over and over. 

I pray and hope the Supreme Court will follow the Constitution.   

Wednesday, October 20, 2021



Webster's Dictionary definition:


man·​date | \ ˈman-ˌdāt  \

Definition of mandate (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1to administer or assign (something, such as a territory) under a mandate
2to officially require (something) make (something) mandatory ORDERa law mandating recyclingalso to direct or require (someone) to do somethinga commission mandated to investigate corruption
The mandates for the vaccine are a direct attack on our freedom.  If you are vaccinated or not everyone should be outraged.  It is one thing to suggest to the American people to get the jab, but when it becomes a requirement to the point of people being fired from their jobs this is the attack on our freedom of choice and the move towards Marxism.
The mandate is official on November 9, 2021
What is the next mandate? 

Image by Larry White from Pixabay