Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

What is the Tipping Point?

The recent news of the SV Bank collapse is just one example of a business that was mismanaged, but there are plenty of other companies that are struggling to continue to operate daily. The banks are just the tip of the iceberg.  

Think about this, if banks are in trouble and they are in the business of money, which is the lifeblood of all companies, and they are struggling, imagine what a small business is going through now. I am not an economist or an expert on money management. This is just an observation.

  • More banks are in trouble and are being looked at by federal regulators.
  • Businesses are laying off employees by the thousands.
  • The economy is the worst it's been since 2008.
  • The cost of everything is up.
And this is general information anyone can find in the news.

What will be the tipping point for the US economy?

Photo - pixabay - Mediamodifier 

Friday, September 30, 2022

Media Game Plan

The Biden Administration is playing a game with us. And the game is how many ways they can manipulate us into believing that this is the most successful presidency in the history of the United States.

A few weeks ago, gas prices started to come down, and within a few days, during the White House press conference, they mentioned how the economy is improving. This lasted for a while until no one complained about the gas price. But now the price of gas is going back up. They had the game plan to manipulate the press to convince the public that everything was okay. Distraction is the primary goal of the game.  Once the white house gets a negative spin on the news outlets, the game plan goes into effect. If you haven't noticed this yet, just watch any progressive news, and you will see how quickly the White House responds to take out anything negative every time. 

Another example from this week,

"But the POTUS' latest flub is even more cringeworthy than when Biden said the first lady's husband had tested positive for coronavirus this past March, when in fact it was second gentleman Douglas Emhoff who was sick. Because in this instance, the 79-year-old called out a recently deceased member of Congress during a hunger conference, seemingly unaware of her high-profile accident (via AOL).

"Jackie are you here? Where's Jackie?" Biden wondered aloud while thanking the meeting organizers, including Jackie Walorski, who tragically passed away in a headline-making car crash over the summer (via Reuters).

Later, his press secretary waved away the cringe-inducing moment."

             From: Melissa Willets - The List

Be aware of the media game plan because the goal is to convince you all is well and that this is the best president in the history of the United States.

Photo: Yomare - Pixabay

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Are You Convinced?

When I was in college, I took a philosophy class.  I will admit this was a deep subject and sometimes challenging to follow.  One thing I remember is in presenting an argument about a particular topic, you had to understand both sides.  It was a way to understand the opposing point of view, which helped explain your own viewpoints.  This was not just to say who was right or wrong, but it could open discussion without judgment. Although the objective was to convince the opposing viewpoint to your own.  In the past, I've been in conversation with people of opposing views, and once they discovered my take on a particular topic, this escalated into an argument. It became the I'm right, and you are wrong discussion, which never came to a conclusion.

I'm stating this to say, with all the controversial topics, abortion, COVID, immigration/border, the economy, progressive/conservative politics, and the list goes on... 
I realize people feel strongly about their own philosophy, but when the realization of trying to convince the opposing view to your own, the conversation could become endless. At this point, one must end with a final statement, "we are going to have to agree to disagree," and hope the two parties can remain civil.

My philosophy here is to share my opinions and hopefully convince those who might read them to consider other points of view.

Photo: geralt/pixabay

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Are You Ready?

 2019 was the last year we knew of a "somewhat normal" way of life.

Since then, we have had the following:

  • Pandemic
  • Election Fraud
  • Civil Unrest and Protest
  • Business Closures
  • School Curriculum Controversy
  • Supply Chain Breakdown
  • Interest Rate Increase
  • Stock Market Down
  • War in Ukraine
  • Threats of Nuclear War 
  • Cyber Attacks
  • Rising Gas Prices
  • Progressive vs. Conservative
Is there more to add?

All of this has affected us in some way or another. It is important at this time to be thinking about preparedness. Actually, if you are just now thinking about it you are already behind. So, without going into some major details about preparedness, which will be a later post, think about how the above list of events affected you.

Did you feel at any time you were un-prepared?

What could you have done differently?

Thinking about current events, could our country be affected?

Has the supply chain and the increase cost affected you?

If you could not get supplies, do you have enough now to last at least month?

What if all utilities (water, electricity, gas) were cut-off?

What would you do if all communications collapsed?

And the last question, Are you Ready?


photo - ArtTower - pixabay

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What direction?


There seems to be some confusion about what direction the United States has in overall policies.

We hear in the media about how well the economy is going, and a 3 trillion dollar infrastructure package will not cost anything, and the crisis at our southern border is not an issue.

But we can see that it is not true, just going to the grocery store or the gas pump, the economy is in the worst shape since the Carter presidency. The massive spending our government is doing is out of control.  And who is going to pay for all of this?  the American people, either on the front end for the cost of supplies and services or in taxes.

But their could possibly be some hope to all of this but not without some long-term fight to stop this insane spending. Americans are going to have to really feel the cost and how its hits their monthly budgets.  I think most believe this is temporary and will be over soon.  I predict this situation will continue till the end of 2022.  Businesses are struggling with supply chain, and getting people to work (another topic in a later post) So, here is the hope, once we reach as a country the pain threshold of economic disaster. I believe democrats and republicans will agree and ousts the politician's that cause this mess. It will be hard because those politicians have been in office for a longtime and will not give up their political strong hold on our country.

2022 is the key to unlock the chains we are currently under and that key is to vote out those radical left socialist.

Vote to get our country going in the right direction.          

