Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November is the month to honor Veterans. 

Most would think November is the month of Thanksgiving or the pre-Christmas month. But I see it as the month for veterans because, without the veterans, we would not have all those freedoms we experience throughout the year.  People take for granted and not really thinking about those who served in our military to protect our country's freedoms. My wife and I always make time for our local Veterans Day parade.  We had experienced times when just a few people came to the parade. It was a sad experience seeing World War II vets walking in the parade waving at the small gathering of groups of supporters on the sidewalk. These guys put their life on the line for us and were willing to take the possibility of dying for our country. The sidewalks should have overflowed with people waving back at them and expressing gratitude.  

Why has our country come to the point of going overboard, celebrating every ethnic and LGBTQ group throughout the year? And barely giving any notice to the US Veteran. The patriotism for our country and those who serve it has disappeared. And those of us who have served and known the sacrifices our military makes every hour of every day can't express how grateful we are to the heroes of the past and present. 

I hope more people will come to local Veterans Day celebrations this year. 

Thank a Veteran!

Photo: BrianPenny - pixabay

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Army Posts Renaming


The woke culture has gone too far!

When will this madness stop?

Monday, May 30, 2022

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tactical Thoughts


Some tactical thoughts on the war in Ukraine.

I believe Ukraine should focus on the defense of Odesa; it is the last port city. If Russia takes over this city, Ukraine will lose a vital supply port cutting off even more needed supplies.  I realize the advancing Russian military occupying the eastern side seems to be an area to defend, but logistics is the key to winning any war. 

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Ukraine is the dominating news story on any channel. Most of the commentary has been fairly consistent, reports on where the Russians have attacked, how the Ukrainians are responding, all of this is a standard message being reported.  

Except - the reports of the Ukrainian government ordering men 18 to 60 to stay and fight.  As of this morning reports of 18,000 guns have be distributed to anyone who wants to fight for their country. The impact of this is similar to our Revolutionary War, where citizens fought along with the military to repel invading forces. 

Why are the major networks not reporting on a government arming its citizens?

Because, it would just reaffirm our US Constitution and the Bill of Rights on the 2nd Amendment. They have reported and supported the end of American citizens owning firearms for years. I believe this is one reason why America has stayed free for so long.  Social media will eventually get the word out that armed citizens are a critical element in the defense of not only a country but for everyday personal protection.   

Saturday, February 12, 2022


 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

This is the primary reason why Russia is going to attack Ukraine. The Soviet Union lost a majority of its territory in the 1990's after the break-up of the communist countries that were a part of the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin knows Ukraine could possible join NATO which means - Ukraine would have the military backing of the world super-powers, which includes the United States.

If he attacks now none of NATO forces would be obligated to assist. But if Ukraine becomes a NATO member then an attack on them would be an attack on 30 countries.   

Monday, February 7, 2022

Ukraine part 2

My original post on January 26 I stated that World War was coming. I believe now its inevitable.

The news recently has said 130,000 Russians troops are on the Ukraine border, this is the largest build up since World War II.

The United States has to be on full military alert, because like I said before there are more countries who will get involved once the Russians cross the Ukraine border.  

"Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it", this quote means more now than ever for the world.  The United States did not get involved in World War II until the attack on Pearl Harbor which was a surprise attack.  China, Iran, and North Korea are all enemies of the US, and what makes this so different from World War II, these countries are super powers with massive military capabilities. And more importantly, long-range nuclear missiles.  

Russia is testing the world.  I do not believe sanctions will work, the United States is going down that road with threats of sanctions.  Now is the time for America to flex its military muscle.  

This build up is different from recent Middle East wars because of the countries involved.  In Iraq and Afghanistan we fought against one enemy and no nuclear weapons this is the main element that makes this so dangerous.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022



The world is watching the events unfold in Ukraine, but most people couldn't care less or are not even aware that a major world power is about to invade another country.

More than 100,000 Russian troops are surrounding the country - this is not a drill!  I believe that war is inevitable.  Russia has tested the world. Our response and the world response should be quick and without compromise.  One element of this buildup is that the world leaders should realize the Russians are not alone.  I say, they are not the only aggressor, China is silently backing them and why is that?  Because China is about to invade Taiwan. Does this sound familiar?  Germany and Japan, World War II. And this also includes Iran with its nuclear build up and Israel being the target. And lastly, North Korea on January 5th launched six ballistic missiles "testing them". I sure that once all of the events begin with this invasion all of the above mentioned countries will become allies of Russia and their attacks will commence on their selected countries - the beginning of the next world war.            


Image: Pixabay WikiImages

Monday, August 30, 2021

Political Failure

In the news recently the evacuation of Afghanistan has been a tragedy for the military and the reputation the United States has as a world leader for freedom.  

In my opinion, the current administration has failed to protect its citizens and military in Afghanistan. I known that anything the government does is not perfect no matter which political party is in office.  But, this even in the eyes of the rest of the world is a complete failure, lives have been lost because of bad planning. I'm very concerned in the next few weeks it is only going to get worst.  The final day for evacuations is August 31, after that day anyone left behind will be on their own. America has never abandon there citizens.  My hope is somehow the two parties will come to an agreement about policies in the Afghan region. I know this is an extreme stretch of hopefulness but it is the only way.  The current political environment is not seeing the unfolding of a disaster that will ripple across America and making it a target to enemy's of the United States. I pray for peace and the safe return of Americans and those who helped the military during the war.    

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Remembering Our History

Yesterday I was thinking of the ones who came before us.  The men and women who died in service for our country. I believe we do not recognize the sacrifice they made as well as the sadness of families who lost love ones.   

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

A reminder to everyone. 

This day is not about the backyard cook-outs or the best advertised sale.

It is about.....

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Conservatism - just some points in what I believe

First the definition

From Websters Dictionary:  

conservatism noun

con·​ser·​va·​tism | \ kən-ˈsər-və-ˌti-zəm  \

Definition of conservatism 

1 capitalized

a: the principles and policies of a Conservative party

b: the Conservative party

2a: disposition in politics to preserve what is established

b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change

specifically: such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage)

3: the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change

religious conservatism

cultural conservatism

     I would think that most Judeo-Christians would have this on their list. But some are luke-warm in their faith and do not subscribe to all the moral points of their faith. I chose God as my moral compass.

      This includes all of those family members as well as those very close to me.  

      I have always remained a patriot to the United States. Even when the political winds change I hold on to my conservative beliefs and work at changing or at least giving my opinion to those who disagree.

US Military
      This includes law enforcement and all those who serve and protect.

The Bill of Rights

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Stand for the Flag

A few days ago, I had someone ask me about watching Pro Football (NFL). And my next statement was I stand for the flag. I do not watch the NFL anymore. This is not to say I will never watch it again. But until the NFL changes its position on the players kneeling during the National Anthem. I will not support them. I served this country and the flag it represents which includes the people who have died for it.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Classic Movies - Military

Here is a list of my top classic military movies in no particular order and always subject to change

The D.I. (1957)

Patton (1970)

The Great Escape (1963)

The Flight of the Phoenix (1965)

The Sand Pebbles (1966)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

In the News

I normally try to say positive in my post but I have to share my opinion on some current events.

The world is an evil place - there will always be at least one dictator over some country to cast a net of malevolence over the people.

I am talking about Syria.

Here we have a country where a mass killing has been committed and everyone is pointing at the other on who did it (Assad-Rebels).

The problem is now the US wants to get involved. This is a civil war. There are at least five different rebel forces fighting against Assad and that is not mentioning the unorganized groups. One of the five is Iran, who is friends with Russia.

The US should not get involved – it is a powder keg waiting to explode.

Our military is the greatest fighting force in the world. The air and naval power alone probably would be enough to settle the whole civil war, but again it would set off a chain reaction in the Middle East and escalate to a much larger World War.

Let us stay focused finish Afghanistan and regroup.

Thursday, June 6, 2013