Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2024


The Southern border of the United States has become one of the most talked about news stories in the past couple of weeks. The main reason is because Texas has proclaimed it shall defend its border as a State. They have not only assumed the responsibility but also have become the frontline against the invasion of illegals into the United States.  Over 25 State governors have announced they will support Texas, but the Federal Government has not and probably will not support this effort. 

The border should be completely closed entirely. If someone wants to become a citizen of the United States, they should come here legally.  We must have our priorities in order and take care of U.S. citizens first.  And Texas is doing just that as it is making the people of Texas their first concern. 

All 50 States should back Texas because if not, the frontline will move to the next State and the next.  

Hold Strong Texas!! We support you!

 Photo - pixabay - Kjrstie