Showing posts with label good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2023

One Book

So many books out nowadays would have never been published 40 years ago. Books that target specific immoral issues infecting our society. Some would say I don't read books anymore. Any information I need is online. But here is the main difference.  Books can be around for hundreds of years. Online information can change almost daily. The books printed today could still have an impact on those who read them later on. The unethical, unrighteous, and evil words on the pages of some books will possibly influence future societies.

One book has been around as long as 600 B.C., and a newer version about 1,800 years ago. It has all the information one would need to live a good and moral life and learn from the mistakes of others. It is in some way, an encyclopedia of life and death.  And today, it is the most popular book ever printed, which is the Bible. 

If you have one, pick it up and re-read it. If you don't, find one, because it will change your life forever.

Photo - pixabay - bohdanchreptak

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Has evil become a regular part of society?

On any day, reports of evil have become a regular part of society.  I believe the tipping point for all of this was the pandemic. The isolation of people, the churches that closed, and the rioting in cities and, this is just a few to mention. These events caused an effect that spread worldwide. 

25 years ago, the times seemed steady, nothing major besides the norm stuff of everyday life. And a few years later, the 9/11 attacks created a sense of unity of good vs. evil and lasted a few years until the next transition, the global war on terrorism. As anyone can see, the chain of evil events afterward increased more intensity. 

World history will consistently demonstrate events of good vs. evil. But what makes this time so different is the acceptance of evil. In the past, good has always been the dominating force in fighting the bad. But now, evil has become the dominating force against good. 

A simple way to observe this is to take in all the news for just a few days and think about how it would have been perceived 25 years ago. Here are a few examples, drag queens at Storytime in local libraries, parents letting their children decide if they want to be a boy or a girl, men competing in women's sporting events, and mass shootings. Society twenty-five years ago would have deemed this outrageous and unacceptable. 

The unacceptable is still unacceptable! The one thing that has changed is evil has become the dominating influence and has convinced those who once knew the difference between good and evil now believe in just the opposite. 

We must return to the true good, the Truth in God. For thousands of years, the principle set forth from the moment God gave us the Ten Commandments, we are obligated to follow the rules set for us by our Creator. God set these Commandments for a good reason, they are timeless, and along the teaching of Jesus Christ, we have all that we need to fight against the evil in the world.

Photo -pixabay - SHAWSHANK66


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Good from the Bad

Good comes from something bad.

This a simple statement that almost always holds true. 

The Nashville school shooting and all the evil that took place on that day have caused a city and nation to unite in the after moments. And that one uniting thing is prayer. 

In the last few days of watching and reading the latest updates, usually, someone will say, please continue praying for the victims of this tragic event. We have seen this so many times in the past how people are united in prayer. 

If you are new to daily prayer, take this time to start, especially now, but continue to pray daily because there is always something to pray for.

Photo - pixabay - Godsgirl_madi

Friday, January 6, 2023

The Smoke Screen

Living the faith of Christ can be difficult. We go about daily life with all the interjections of evil surrounding us. But sometimes, the bombardments from the evil one are difficult to see.
It's almost like a smoke screen, the enemy is firing rounds at us, and we do not know where it is coming from. We do not understand why we are reacting to the influence the enemy has on us. 

The difficulty is understanding good and evil. This may seem like a simple solution. We all know what good is but is the good disguised as evil in reality. After all, he is known as the Bible tells us satan is the master of lies. Evil is a master in deceiving us to believe into believing that something evil would be perceived as good. 

The resolve is just as difficult to see, but as the devil is attacking us non-stop, we should be in non-stop prayer and examining our conscience to see through the smoke screen. 

Photo: pixabay - intographics

Friday, May 27, 2022

What is the cause?

The world seems to be going crazy. All the recent tragic events have been the root cause of evil.  Everyone is trying to analyze the true causes and blame, but the real presence of demons is the real cause.

God did not create us to be evil. We are born into this world as good as God intended, but evil does exist and influences the world.

We must pray every day to guard against evil.

St. Michael Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Is it the Best or Worst of Times?


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

                      - Charles Dickens -

Does anyone feel like we are going through both good and bad times?

I try to have those days of hopefulness; some days are really good and then the next day it seems to vanish and the reality of the worst of times settles in for the remainder of day. And I go back to 2019/2020 it was like someone flip a switch and everything drastically changed overnight. 

At this moment, news reports of mask mandates possibility being lifted, some local governments are working on cutting taxes to ease the cost of inflation. People are getting out more going to sporting or music events. But then you hear the reports of doom and gloom of war, food shortages, and mass migrations of illegal immigrants crossing the US border.

I think we are at the point of just taking one day at a time, to enjoy those brief moments where all seems right with the world. And for those bad times, just pray to God and hope for the best.      

photo - Alexas_Fotos - pixabay