Friday, January 6, 2023

The Smoke Screen

Living the faith of Christ can be difficult. We go about daily life with all the interjections of evil surrounding us. But sometimes, the bombardments from the evil one are difficult to see.
It's almost like a smoke screen, the enemy is firing rounds at us, and we do not know where it is coming from. We do not understand why we are reacting to the influence the enemy has on us. 

The difficulty is understanding good and evil. This may seem like a simple solution. We all know what good is but is the good disguised as evil in reality. After all, he is known as the Bible tells us satan is the master of lies. Evil is a master in deceiving us to believe into believing that something evil would be perceived as good. 

The resolve is just as difficult to see, but as the devil is attacking us non-stop, we should be in non-stop prayer and examining our conscience to see through the smoke screen. 

Photo: pixabay - intographics

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