Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2022

Politics and Religion

 What does this say about how we interact with each other?

Most people say, " I won't talk about politics or religion" Well, it seems that politics is an essential part of deciding on new friends, yet no one wants to talk about it. Politics should be an open and civil conversation.  Most would say they would not speak because they are afraid of an argument about trying to convince others of their opinions. Discussions on politics should be openly discussed with the exception, not without the consent of the other to talk about it. If individuals are willing and open, I believe it should take place.

As for religion, this is a tricking one because estimates are about 10,000 religions in the world.  This is difficult because one would need some common knowledge of all faiths. I think it should be discussed but with limits; if there are some common values, it's good. One would need to understand some general aspects to have a reasonable discussion. But, as I said about political debates if both are willing to engage, go for it.

Music and entertainment are not essential factors in deciding on friends.

Disclaimer: I do not endorse NBC News or any other progressive media. But there is a need to know what the other side is discussing. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

The People You Meet

The people we meet every day could possibly be those we might establish a lifelong friendship.
True friendships are hard to find. I have had friendships with those I have met at work, church, meetings, and just about any place people gather. But as I grew older life took its turns going in different directions and some of those friendships have faded away. Since then I try to look at everyone I meet as friend. I have to say my one true friend in my life is my wife, the one who knows me inside and out - the one that I love.

Take time to interact with everyone you meet. Look up from your phone occasionally and talk to those around you.