Showing posts with label Marines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marines. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2018


The Veterans of the United States have a special place in history.

Before my deployment to Desert Storm, my unit invited some Korean War Vets to share some of their experiences with the senior staff NCO's.  I remember hearing their stories about the difficulties they faced. Their war was a long time ago and the war was fought in a different part of the world. But the one message that applied then and now was leadership. They talked about leading and taking care of the Marines who were under their command.

Today, the veterans of the most recent wars will be here for our future military. They all take their place in history as some the great leaders of our American military.

The next time you see a Veteran thank them for their service to our great nation.   

Saturday, November 10, 2018

I Co. 3rd Blt. 24th Marines

My former Marine Corps Unit History

India Company, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division,_24th_Marines

Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

July 4, 1776

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

My feelings for this day run strong. I am proud and grateful to have been born in the United States. On this day, Americans come together to celebrate our independence as a nation, we come together joined and united, all political, religious, and other differences are set aside, on this day we are all one.

As a former US Marine I know the sacrifices I have made and I am very proud of having served. Thanks to all past and present service men and women that carry out their daily duties in defense of our freedoms. I will always be grateful for our military, as they stand watch 7/24.

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

A History Note on the 4th of July

The first celebration of the fourth of July actually took place on July 8th 1776 this was the first day of the official announcement of the Declaration of Independence to the people of the thirteen colonies. The celebrating with fireworks has it’s origins from England. The custom was used to celebrate the King of England’s birthday. So, celebrate today like the colonist did in 1776. It is a day every American should be proud to live in such a great country.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Birth of the U.S. Marine Corps

November 10, 1775
During the American Revolution, The Continental Congress passes a resolution stating the "two Battalions of Marines be raised" for service as landing forces for the recently formed Continental Navy. The resolution, drafted by future U.S. president John Adams and adopted in Philadelphia, created the Continental Marines and is now observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.

Today, there are more than 200,000 active-duty and reserve Marines, divided into three divisions stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; Camp Pendletion, California; and Okinawa, Japan. Each division has one or more expeditionary units, ready to launch major operations anywhere in the world on two weeks' notice. Marines expeditionary units are self-sufficient, with their own tanks, artillery, and air forces. The motto of the service is Semper Fidelis, meaning "Always Faithful" in Latin.

In part from the History Channel

I am a former Marine of the 4th Marine Division, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment

This is a one of the reserve divisions of the Corps. I served the Corps for 10 proud years and served a tour during Operation Desert Storm.