Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Second Front - my opinion

The war in Ukraine defines how the world reacts, responds, and the repercussions of those actions.

The recent Russian sanctioning of Poland and Bulgaria is just the beginning. Russia has clearly been the main aggressor in Ukraine, but they are turning their focus on the countries assisting Ukraine.  I think the news coverage has been just the surface of Russia's actions in their tactics.  The only way for Russia to accomplish the take-over of Ukraine is to stop the incoming military supplies. So, Russia is starting to fight a second war - the war against the allies of Ukraine.   

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Zelensky - an opinion

 I watched President Zelensky speak to the US Congress.

I have mixed opinions about the situation. On one side I feel the humanitarian aspect to help those in dire need. The US has always been the go-to country for aid to those in need either by disasters or any other high casualty situation.  

On the other side is, any assistance beyond what we are already doing will clearly draw the United States into WW III. In the most recent wars, the US has fought many years to defeat a single country.  The possibility of WW III will bring us into a war fought on multiple fronts including air and naval battles with not only Russia, but China, Iran, and North Korea, and all of these countries have nuclear capabilities.

The only resolve to this situation, if we agree to the no-fly zone, which will then fully commit us to fight Russia and their allies - the strength of the United States military will have to combine forces with our allies in Europe. The added military muscle of our allies would absolutely crush Russia.     

WW III would be catastrophe to the world. The advanced weapons technology systems of today would make the casualty rate much higher than WW II.  The United States would have to activate the military draft system, for casualty replacements and this would now include women.

I pray to God this will end soon.     

Thursday, February 24, 2022

NATO and Ukraine

There is too much going on in the world. It's one thing to see a country going through troubling times, but when their troubles become ours and the world then that's a problem. Putin has said if anyone interferes with his attack on Ukraine, they will suffer consequences.   

The war in Ukraine is influencing countries world-wide from financial markets to the price of oil. Putin needs to be stopped now. The countries that surround Ukraine are not strong enough to defend themselves so, they will rely on NATO which the United States is a member.  Those border countries are Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. If Russia fires rounds into any bordering NATO country or advances his forces, it will activate Article 5 of the NATO alliance.

NATO Article 5 highlights:
  • Collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
  • NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
  • NATO has taken collective defense measures on several occasions, for instance in response to the situation in Syria and in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
  • NATO has standing forces on active duty that contribute to the Alliance’s collective defense efforts on a permanent basis.
NATO - Homepage

If Russia advances into any NATO country, it will be the beginning of World War III.  I have stated this many times in previous post and I pray it doesn't happen.