Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Door of Faith

Faith is an absolute trust in a belief.  Faith in something is knowing that it is accurate and correct; it is unseen and not a tangible object that can be held. 

Faith lives and dwells in your soul. And occasionally, our souls question and doubt the presence of faith. Faith struggles at times to even exist.

Why do we struggle with something that we can't see or touch? 

The struggle is when evil sets up camp in our souls, building walls to keep the good out.  Faith co-exists with hope, and these two together form a powerful motivation for anyone who deals with everyday life. If faith and hope are absent from our hearts, despair, and sadness consume our souls, and evil fights to keep out what is good. 

To all, keep faith and hope alive.  Recognize that God's presence is always there at the door to your soul. You just have to open the door and welcome this great gift He gives us.

Photo - pixabay - 4651889     

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Light of Christmas

December is the darkest month of the year. The days are shorter, and the dark hours take over the night.  Waiting for the dawn of morning, we feel the renewal of a new hope.  

Every year, my wife and I have an advent wreath.  There are many symbols and rituals around the lighting of the candles.  Four candles represent the weeks leading up to Christmas day and the lighting of the fifth candle for the Birth of Jesus Christ.

"The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas."  What is Advent? | USCCB   

Waiting for the light of Christ gives us hope just as we wait for the dawn of a new day. And beyond Advent and Christmas, this hope will continue throughout the year as we are in constant preparation for the second coming of Christ. 

What is preparation?

We must have our souls ready. We are both body and soul and when Christ comes again, He will be here to judge the depths of our souls to determine our worthiness to meet the Father in Heaven. 

In the next few weeks, take the time to reflect in prayer and prepare for Christ's coming.

Photo - pixabay - fincayra0204  

Friday, December 30, 2022


Predictions for 2023

It has yet to be determined what will transpire next year. Businesses use their budget forecast as a guild line to manage their finances.

Every year we all go through the thought process of what we want to happen in the new year, but ultimately there is no possible way of knowing. The outside influences in our lives always seem to change a well-thought-out plan. Now, making plans is fine, but long-term goals can always change.

A prime example of this was the year 2020. The outside influence of the virus changed the entire world and continued into the following year.
I know this is pessimistic but prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Hope for the best is more than just a pleasant thought; it is in true hope and graces from God that great things happen, and those well-thought-out plans are not entirely yours but the touch of God's hand in our everyday life. 

Going forward into 2023, hope and prayer are the real influences, as God is the ultimate predictor of the future.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

To Preach


What is preaching?

This can go in many different directions.  One can say they will "get on their soapbox" or preach about how bad the game was last night: even preaching about procedures at work. Some will even say they will rant about something.

All of this is correct; we all do this from time to time. But what is preaching from God's perspective?

This can be in a few forms, and I will elaborate more in an upcoming post.  Here is a short list:

  • Speaking the Word
  • In your everyday action
  • Good knowledge of God's plan
  • Knowledge of your faith
  • Setting an example of a Christian
  • Exposing the Devil for the liar he is to deceive the world
Preaching aims to get the Good News to people who have never heard of God or someone who is in despair that there is hope in God and saying the right words at the right time.  

Photo: Pixabay FotoRieth

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Is it the Best or Worst of Times?


"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

                      - Charles Dickens -

Does anyone feel like we are going through both good and bad times?

I try to have those days of hopefulness; some days are really good and then the next day it seems to vanish and the reality of the worst of times settles in for the remainder of day. And I go back to 2019/2020 it was like someone flip a switch and everything drastically changed overnight. 

At this moment, news reports of mask mandates possibility being lifted, some local governments are working on cutting taxes to ease the cost of inflation. People are getting out more going to sporting or music events. But then you hear the reports of doom and gloom of war, food shortages, and mass migrations of illegal immigrants crossing the US border.

I think we are at the point of just taking one day at a time, to enjoy those brief moments where all seems right with the world. And for those bad times, just pray to God and hope for the best.      

photo - Alexas_Fotos - pixabay 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Zelensky - an opinion

 I watched President Zelensky speak to the US Congress.

I have mixed opinions about the situation. On one side I feel the humanitarian aspect to help those in dire need. The US has always been the go-to country for aid to those in need either by disasters or any other high casualty situation.  

On the other side is, any assistance beyond what we are already doing will clearly draw the United States into WW III. In the most recent wars, the US has fought many years to defeat a single country.  The possibility of WW III will bring us into a war fought on multiple fronts including air and naval battles with not only Russia, but China, Iran, and North Korea, and all of these countries have nuclear capabilities.

The only resolve to this situation, if we agree to the no-fly zone, which will then fully commit us to fight Russia and their allies - the strength of the United States military will have to combine forces with our allies in Europe. The added military muscle of our allies would absolutely crush Russia.     

WW III would be catastrophe to the world. The advanced weapons technology systems of today would make the casualty rate much higher than WW II.  The United States would have to activate the military draft system, for casualty replacements and this would now include women.

I pray to God this will end soon.     

Friday, December 31, 2021

The End of 2021

2021 has been a year for political opinions.

The blog posts I have presented here have mostly been political.


Because 2021 has been the year for politics in our lives and I'm not just talking about the United States, its all over the world.

I believe our freedoms are under attack everyday. It seems governments are implementing laws, regulations, and mandates into our life.  We need to fight against this tyranny. Freedom is a God given right to everyone and no government is going to take that away.

God help us all.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Hope in 2022

 The end of the year draws to a close and the thoughts of the new year and hope for something better. 

The last couple of years have been beyond what most would consider a "normal" year.  We need to have the hope that 2022 will be the year we return to a somewhat of a normal year.  The virus has taken over all aspects of our lives in the last two years and it is time for hope in our future.  I think most of us had the same thought this time last year but not much in change happened.

 We must not lose hope, next year will be better.   

Monday, August 30, 2021

Political Failure

In the news recently the evacuation of Afghanistan has been a tragedy for the military and the reputation the United States has as a world leader for freedom.  

In my opinion, the current administration has failed to protect its citizens and military in Afghanistan. I known that anything the government does is not perfect no matter which political party is in office.  But, this even in the eyes of the rest of the world is a complete failure, lives have been lost because of bad planning. I'm very concerned in the next few weeks it is only going to get worst.  The final day for evacuations is August 31, after that day anyone left behind will be on their own. America has never abandon there citizens.  My hope is somehow the two parties will come to an agreement about policies in the Afghan region. I know this is an extreme stretch of hopefulness but it is the only way.  The current political environment is not seeing the unfolding of a disaster that will ripple across America and making it a target to enemy's of the United States. I pray for peace and the safe return of Americans and those who helped the military during the war.    

Monday, July 26, 2021

Hold onto Virtues








The seven virtues are words to live by especially in todays world. We need to study, understand, and apply these seven powerful and sometime difficult words to our life.  I think most of the virtues have be long forgotten and some still apply today but for the most part, forgotten. 

The challenge to living the virtues are people do not  believe in them, except when it works with their agenda.  

Know them, understand them, and practice them.

The Virtues defined

Monday, January 11, 2021


 2021 The New Year or a continuation of 2020

I have tried to be positive about the upcoming year but it has been very difficult. The recent events of the breech of the US Capitol and continued BLM protest, it doesn't seem to be hopeful. The thought of a brighter future seems a little dim now. 

My thought on this is somehow we need to find a common ground.  Politically its not going to happen anytime soon.

So, what will bring us together?

I wish a had an answer, but whatever it might be it needs to happen soon, because everyday that goes by our country will be divided even more.

God Help Us All

Friday, November 20, 2020

Businesses Gone

I work in downtown Nashville and over the pandemic months I have seen many businesses closed their doors forever.

I went to most places for lunch. I got to know many of the people that worked there, not necessarily as friends, but a nice interaction with some kind people.  It is sad in many ways.  People have lost their jobs and businesses that were open for a long time are now closed. 

Hopefully, as time heals the wounds to the city's economy new businesses and people will come back.    

Monday, July 13, 2020

What is Next

As the pandemic seems to be the only thing in the news lately.

What is Next?

It does not look like there will be an end to this virus anytime soon. People are stressed out, their world has changed completely. I don't know of anyone who has not been affected.

I believe we all need to pray because our world is in constant change and only God remains constant - the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end.  We can pray just as those in the past who have gone through pandemics, plagues, wars and disasters.  People have always turned to God, because God is Hope without hope we have nothing. Prayer is powerful and if we all pray to our Creator our hopeful prayers will be answered. 


Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bounce Back

To continue from the last post…

Once this pandemic is over, I believe we will come back even stronger than before. But I also believe after a few months people will have forgotten what is was like to be social separated for each other.

So, on my first point, we will be stronger than before. This is having to do with business, new jobs will be created or at least transformed. The stay at home orders has created a new way of doing business.  A company could reduce their square footage of their office space because employees have successfully work at home. New software programs created to enable employees the conduct meetings more effectively online from home. Also, there is the whole aspect of home office products to be sold. 

My second point, society will soon forget what is was like to be completely separated for each other.  This happen during 9/11. The patriotism that was felt during that time was very uplifting but as the months and years past is diminished and became a memory of those who experienced. My hope is people will remember this event in history.

We will bounce back from this with many lessons learned.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Three Words

Faith - Hope - Love

Three words we can live by everyday. Sometimes its hard and sometimes it's easy but all three everyday. These virtues can be applied to the things we do - at home - at work - or to anyone we meet. But more importantly God wants us to live by theses words. He wants us to live our lives while our short time here by the commandments he has given us. But if we are having difficulty then maybe theses three words are a place to start - Faith Hope Love.

Putting them in practice in our lives doesn't even have to start with interaction with those around us. Faith, by praying everyday. Hope, by living what God commands us so we will one day come in union with Him in heaven. And Love the greatest commandment - to love God with all your heart.

Three words to live by.....    

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year

It's a new year and a new hope for things to come. Every year people set their resolutions and goals and only to come to an end in six months with nothing accomplished. Why are we so driven to do this in January? Well, it is a new beginning and we want to change some things about our lives. If you have made those resolutions stick with it you'll be a better person.     

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Why is the symbol of hope an anchor?

“The anchor, because of the great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol of hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem. In Christianity's teachings, the virtue of hope occupies a place of great importance; Christ is the unfailing hope of all who believe in Him. St. Peter, St. Paul, and several of the early Fathers speak in this sense, but the Epistle to the Hebrews for the first time connects the idea of hope with the symbol of the anchor. The writers says that we have "Hope" set before us "as an anchor of the soul, sure and firm" (Hebrews 6:19-20). The hope here spoken of is obviously not concerned with earthly things but with heavenly things, and the anchor, as a Christian symbol, relates only to the hope of salvation. It ranks among the most ancient of Christian symbols.” Hassett, M. (1907).

What does hope mean to you?  Most would say longing for something they want or need, the hope for things in our lives. But what if we take the same question and say, what does hope mean from a spiritual point of view? I believe most would not have a quick answer.

Every new day is the hope of things to come and the hope of being with God. We must be careful not to let everyday needs override our union with God. In Catholicism, hope is one of the three theological virtues; faith, hope, and charity. The virtue of hope comes from the Divine. As we trust in God’s salvation that we will be in heaven one day united with the Trinity. 

What makes this difficult for most is that one can’t imagine what it would be like to live in eternity with God.

When we compare our spiritual hope to our everyday needs, it seems insignificant. This is not to say that our ordinary hopes and dreams should not be a priority, but we just have to put them in perspective. Our earthly hopes come and go, and as we grow older, our priorities change. But, our hope in God should be constant and never change.

“Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit.” Doubleday (1989)

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can remain focused on our ultimate end.

So, what happens when we lose hope? First, we have to look deep inside and ask why?  Being honest with ourselves can usually determine the root of being hopeless. We can start with prayer. Our faith in God is our strength when we are hopeless. And the strength of the people we interact with can build hope. St. Thomas Aquinas states;

“Sometimes it is not we ourselves who have the capacity to make something possible but someone helps us. Perception of difficulty alerts us and perception of achievability quickens our efforts; so hope inspires us to apply ourselves to action and to enjoy it.” Doubleday (1989)

Once the glimmer of hope is in us, it will dwell inside and begin to grow. We have to kindle hope like fire, always feeding it fuel to keep it burning. We must pray along with the fire that comes with the Holy Spirit to keep faith in God for the hope of heaven and our hopes on earth.


Jesus, Help Me!

Let me come to You with humble trust in every need, saying, Jesus help me!

In all my doubts, perplexities, and temptations, Jesus help me!

In the hours of loneliness, weariness and trials, Jesus help me!

In the failure of my plans and hopes; in disappointments, troubles and sorrows, Jesus help me!

When others fail me, and Your grace alone can assist me, Jesus help me!

When I throw myself on Your tender love as a Brother and Savior, Jesus help me!

 When my heart is cast down by failure to see any good come from my efforts, Jesus help me!

When I feel impatient, and my cross irritates me, Jesus help me!

When I am ill, and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus help me!

Always, always, in spite of weakness, falls and shortcomings of every kind, Jesus help me and never forsake me!

Apostolic (2007)

Photo - pixabay - OpenClipart-Vectors
The Anchor (as Symbol). In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved June 28, 2012 from New Advent:
Doubleday (1989) Catechism of the Catholic Church. New York , p. 499
Apostolic Publishing Co. (2007) The Catholic Devotional. Oakdale, MN. p. 29