Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Ordinary Life

The ordinary life we live. But is the ordinary life really ordinary?

This life is the everyday events and daily routines we live. The ordinary life still has all the ups and downs, work-home balance, family problems, financial problems, repairs on the home or car, kids in school, and issues in the neighborhood. So, no matter how you deal with it or not it is the life you live.  I would think if we had to exchange our ordinary daily life with someone else we would keep our own. When we see the whole picture and really think about all we have to do it really isn't ordinary - its an exemplary life because we try to do our best everyday in our own way balancing the all of the daily stuff thrown in our direction.  We are imperfect hero's in our exemplary life.    

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

New Beginings

The beginning of the year I'm trying to focus more of my attention to time.  

Time is what governs us everyday it does not make any difference if you are retired and especially need if you are working.  There are thousands of books on the subject of how to manage time, but you can't control it. It is continually moving forward it never stops or pauses and never goes back.

My focus this year - to be more aware of time.  Each second of your life that goes by will never be repeated again. 

How many of us have said at some point:
▪︎If I only had more time
▪︎If I could go back in time I would do things different 
▪︎If I ........and the list could go on.....

Let's make the best of every second of everyday. Because it only happens once.  Be your best. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Growing Old

Growing older is an odd statement I think most people when they think of something growing its associated with new life, a baby growing, a seed growing into a plant. But growing older doesn't seem to go along with new life. I see as the same we are always growing even in the later stages. We should always want to improve ourselves, both physically and mentally just as we did in our younger days. Aging is not the end it is a discovery of a new stage of life. 

There is always something new to learn.