Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

An Overnight Star

I will chime in on the latest music sensation, Oliver Anthony. 

I will not go through a detailed analysis of him and his music. But I will say that the song appeals to the conservatives, and I'm sure somewhere, someone will turn his overnight popularity into some kind of prejudice about certain groups of people, and he will be canceled. And because he has not signed onto a major record label, the liberals will go after him to shut him up because he is spreading the truth.  

Here is the music video. You decide. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Let us Decide!

Light bulbs, Water heaters, Pizza oven, and Jason Aldean.

What do all of these have in common? They are overly regulated or banned.

First, I realized that some items will be regulated by the federal government, mainly when it involves safety. But the four things mentioned above pertain to emission and what some consider the wrong message.

Let us decide.   

I don't believe the wood-burning pizza ovens in New York City will affect the world or, conservative lyrics will affect society. And the same goes for recently in the news of water heaters being regulated for the same reason as pizza ovens.

Let us decide!

As for Jason Alden, much as the music industry has a political agenda against anyone who has a conservative message in their lyrics. And to add a musician similar to Jason. Charlie Daniels has been composing songs with a conservative message like this for years.  There are far more progressive musicians spreading the socialist message without any controversy.  

Let us decide!

Stop regulating want we buy, and stop trying to shut down free speech.

Here are some songs with a conservative message; you decide.

Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) - YouTube

The Charlie Daniels Band - Simple Man (Official Video) - YouTube

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Sounds of the Season

 Christmas Music

The music of the season with all the happy good feeling tunes of Christmas, maybe with the exception of Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley but its Elvis - its good.

So, here are some good classic Christmas music

Keep Christ in Christmas

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Classic Country Music

I watched some of the CMA Awards show the other night. It was interesting to hear some traditional (classic) country music. I didn't care for the cross-over music because that is not county music. I realize the cross-over music is a way to attract folks over from other genres but they are calling this cross-over music county and it is not. So, hear is a a youtube of some great country songs.

Country Music

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sounds that Move Us

Music can move us in many ways:

It can make you happy or sad

It can instill pride as a national anthem is playing

It can go the depths of our inner soul by the sound of Church hymns

It can change the way we think by the meaning of the lyrics

It can unite us by hearing the chants for your favorite sports team

It can have links to our heritage by the songs and melodies of a homeland

Thursday, May 8, 2008


"There is something very wonderful about music. Words are wonderful enough; but music is even more wonderful. It speaks not to our thoughts as words do; it speaks through our hearts and spirits, to the very core and to the roots of our souls. Music soothes us, stirs us up, it puts noble feelings in us, it can make us cringe; and it can melt us to tears; and yet we have no idea how. It is a language by itself, just as perfect in its words, just as divine, just as blessed."

Charles Kingsley