Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2022

Canadian Freedom

 More power to the people of Canada.

Their government is not the same as the United States, but one thing the people of Canada have in common with the United States, as well as any country in the world. 

People want to be free - free to make their own decisions - freedom of speech - freedom to assemble.

It is a God given right and is instilled in every person to be able to live freely without a government telling them what they must do. 

The United States or at least the conservative people of the US support Canada! 

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Trucker Rebellion

 Truckers around the world are beginning to see the impact they have in world politics.  The Canadian truckers have started a rebellion that is sending a message of freedom.

I read a news story today about truckers in Vienna are starting to form an alliance with the Canadians, and the American truckers are doing the same.

I believe this is just the beginning. Freedom from the vaccine mandates will only grow stronger and probably expand into other industries. The power of the people to unite under the common cause of freedom can not be suppress and the more resistance they receive the stronger they become.