Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022

Get Back to Work!

I was watching the news this morning, and the reports stated the pandemic affected people to the point of not wanting to return to work.  I understand businesses had to shut down during the pandemic because of local laws. But all of that is over. It's time to get back to work. Industries are suffering now because nobody wants to work. I really do not know how people cannot work.  How are they paying the bills? I know an underlying factor of receiving the unemployment check, but that has to end.  The unemployed cannot continue to live off the government. While those of us continue to work, we can't stay home and wait for our unemployment check. 

If something does not change soon, businesses will either be forced to close or move their business online, or the latest trend in the retail industry is the expansion of self-checkout. And I really do not see that lasting because of shoplifting. There will be a time when everything you buy will be online. The days of going into a business and interacting with a real person are about to end.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day

The weekend was the last day of summer and the beginning of fall. People celebrated Labor Day to recognize the efforts of all of us who work every day to bring a paycheck home. I typically take the extra day off to work around the house, preparing things for winter.

It's nice to have an extra day off, but I do not get the whole celebration of Labor Day because I will always make a point to say "Thank you" to all I have interacted with in business.  

Photo: Alexas_Fotos - pixabay 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bounce Back

To continue from the last post…

Once this pandemic is over, I believe we will come back even stronger than before. But I also believe after a few months people will have forgotten what is was like to be social separated for each other.

So, on my first point, we will be stronger than before. This is having to do with business, new jobs will be created or at least transformed. The stay at home orders has created a new way of doing business.  A company could reduce their square footage of their office space because employees have successfully work at home. New software programs created to enable employees the conduct meetings more effectively online from home. Also, there is the whole aspect of home office products to be sold. 

My second point, society will soon forget what is was like to be completely separated for each other.  This happen during 9/11. The patriotism that was felt during that time was very uplifting but as the months and years past is diminished and became a memory of those who experienced. My hope is people will remember this event in history.

We will bounce back from this with many lessons learned.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer work

I have discovered that as I get older I have slow down just a bit. I posted an entry on the outdoors - about getting outside. So to continue....

The other day my wife and I spend the day cutting the grass. 

I find a great deal of satisfaction in accomplishing this summer work. Its physical, its therapeutic and keeps me young. I'm in my late 50's and still able to do this summer work. We are one of the few people in our neighborhood who actually still cut their on grass. I thank God for my physical health.