Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lottery. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The reason for this post is due to the recent talk about the lottery.

What is happiness?

Some things that come to mind for most in winning the lottery - money, new car, paying off debt, new house, giving to charities, helping family members and the list goes on.

I can understand how some of these things could make you happy because in most cases it would relieve some stress. But on the other hand, it could cause stress, just for magnitude of managing a large sum of money. I would guess if some of the worlds millionaires were interviewed and asked the question - do you have any stress in your life? I would bet the answer to be yes.

Happiness comes from within yourself it is not a material thing like money. Their are people from all classes of society that are truly happy. We can find happiness in everyday life we just have to look for it. Think about your typical day is there anything in your day to day activities that makes you happy?

What makes you happy?