Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Who wants to be President?

Today's news will be entirely about a former President and the current president. Both are under criminal investigation. But depending on which primary news channel you watch.  You will more than likely only see one side of these two stories.

I'm speaking of the Biden-Hunter hearings and the Trump indictments. 

The President of the United States was once a respectable office where the young would aspire to one day become the leader of the most powerful country in the world. But if you have a son who is a drug addict and has illegal financial dealings with China or former President Trump is under investigation by anyone with progressive imagination who can conjure up a fake charge to possibly be indicted and put in jail. 

Who would want to be President? 

So, if you are guilty (Biden/Hunter) or innocent (Trump), there will always be the ones who want the opposite of who is currently in office.  

Who do you currently want as President of the United States?

Photo - pixabay - chayka1270