Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Oil Agenda


The gas price continues to go up, and there is no end to when it will stop. 

Once upon a time, we were completely independent in America, with no dependency on anything from another country.  But, somewhere, we lost that independence. Well, we are paying for that loss now.

The Biden administration refuses to open our oil reserves because it goes against their climate change/green energy agenda. They believe if the price of oil continues to go up, people will eventually stop buying gas because it will be too expensive. And here is the real reason, if America stops buying gas, the government can expand the electric car industry and force people to rid themselves of the oil industry.

We have enough oil in our country to be completely independent, and we should stop the insanity of paying for oil from Russia and other Middle Eastern countries.  I like driving gas-powered vehicles, and as long as we have those oil reserves, we need to continue to drill.   

Friday, March 4, 2022

A Bigger Plan

Is it just me or is the world in a tail spin?

I really try to keep up with the latest news, mostly local news but it seems lately whatever goes on in another country is now affecting our country.
Events in the past few years seem to be part of a bigger plan. Who is implementing this plan? and what is actually happening.
  • Worldwide pandemic 
  • Global supply chain crisis
  • US government out of control
  • Ground war in Europe against a world power with the potential for nuclear war.
First source of all the above is evil and George Soros. Evil is the influencer to Soros and all those who follow his plan including the World Economic Forum.  And what makes this so concerning is the amount of money and influence this "bigger plan" has and we cannot see or predict what is coming next. The plan did not happen in a few weeks it has taken years to get to this point.

Advice: Read the Holy Bible - Old and New Testament. You will learn the greatness of God and understand His words to us on how resist and battle against Satan. Study history, the currents events can be traced back to past similar historical events. What we are experiencing is nothing new. The only element that makes this different is technology.

Pray to the Lord our God for help to get us through this time.