Showing posts with label season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label season. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2022


There is a lot to blog about this month. Here are just a few thoughts:

September is the month of change, at least from my perspective. It's the month of my birthday. It's the change to the fall season. It's also a historical month, the terrorist attacks on September 11th. And especially this year, the mid-term elections will be in full swing to convince voters to vote progressive or conservative on November election day.  And on a short note, the death of Queen Elizabeth will take over most of the news in the coming weeks.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Winter - the cold months depending on where you live. 

I live in an area where the temperatures truly change when the seasons change.  Usually, a few days after the first day of winter we will see our first significant snowfall with the exception of this year.  In mid January will be some of the coldest days of the year usually lasting to mid February.  

So, along with the colder temps I will be spending more time indoors hopefully blogging more.      

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


It's finally Fall

Im looking forward to the cooler temperatures.

Fall is the time of the year for change like Spring - a transitional season. The trees lose their leaves, the animals prepare for the cold winter months ahead just as we should getting our homes shielded against the winter winds. 

Just a thought - maybe a time for us to transition - to prepare ourselves - to shed the old. 

A season to start a new prayer devotion like the rosary or a few novenas during the winter months.  We should always be in mind to pray always, but the seasons can be a good time to renew ourselves.