Showing posts with label observations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label observations. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Time is Now

In the social media world, there is a lot of talk about preparing for the months ahead. Most of this is about the supply chain breakdown and, from there, the collapse of our basic infrastructure. And most of these opinions are based on facts.

The public media, broadcast news, and newspaper opinions have to some extent, mentioned this breakdown.  But as we all know, it will go unnoticed if it's not the day's top story.

Here are my thoughts, taking all factors and personal observations into consideration.

1. The supply chain is breaking down. The car lots in my area are almost empty. The cars in the lot are parked close to the road to make it appear full, but it's not.

2. I have noticed empty sections in the grocery store, which is different from the shortages during the pandemic. These are all food items.

3. The public response to shortages that affect them directly will cause panic buying.  We saw this during the pandemic, and people will react the same way now. 


4. The mid-term elections are in a few months, and politics will be a significant component in this breakdown.


I will typically observe any situation and evaluate all the information to come to a reasonable conclusion. With all that said, I predict we will be in a supply chain collapse by mid-October.  We are close to the tipping point as events are slowly becoming a reality, and this time will be worse than the supply issues of 2020.

Start preparing now!