Saturday, December 22, 2018

Tis the Season

Just some thoughts on the greeting Merry Christmas. I remember a time when that was the only greeting you used during this time of the year because most people recognized the season of Christmas as the time to remember Christ birth. Nowadays it seems to be a term that is not a greeting or phrase to say. It is acceptable to use Happy Holidays instead. This is a very generic term and does not acknowledge Christ in any way. And for those of us who say Merry Christmas, we are looking as if we are out of the ordinary. 

One thing that comes from this time of year is for those who do not go to church on a regular basis will usually go on Christmas day. I always hope that Christ will infuse into their hearts a new faith and the faith that would carry them throughout the year. I believe if non-believers would attend church on a regular basis then on Christmas or Easter it would only strengthen their faith. I know in order to do this, it takes commitment, with going to church every Sunday. This process is only one of many steps to bring those non-believers who say Happy Holidays back to the faith. 

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