Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Winter - the cold months depending on where you live. 

I live in an area where the temperatures truly change when the seasons change.  Usually, a few days after the first day of winter we will see our first significant snowfall with the exception of this year.  In mid January will be some of the coldest days of the year usually lasting to mid February.  

So, along with the colder temps I will be spending more time indoors hopefully blogging more.      

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cold Weather Conversation

The last few weeks has been extremely cold for the southern part of the United States. In most cases about 40 years since temperatures have dip this low - in the single digits.

One thing I've noticed is with the weather if it is hot or cold it will bring out conversation. Everyday since this cold snap I have had at least one conversation about the weather. I guess it is an easy topic to discuss with strangers, it is something we can all relate to - the fact we are all cold. The funny thing about this is after the cold has left, we will continue to talk either about how we are glad its gone or glad warmer weather has come. 

Is there any one single topic you can discuss with anyone that we all share in the experience?