Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Tactical Thoughts


Some tactical thoughts on the war in Ukraine.

I believe Ukraine should focus on the defense of Odesa; it is the last port city. If Russia takes over this city, Ukraine will lose a vital supply port cutting off even more needed supplies.  I realize the advancing Russian military occupying the eastern side seems to be an area to defend, but logistics is the key to winning any war. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Twenties

 In my early to mid twenties I was not concerned about major issues in government, and was not strong in my faith.  I lived day by day.  I had a lot of drive for a good paying job, the best car that I could afford and where the next party was and no worries about anything in the world. 

Now, it seems to be just the opposite.  My faith is a major part of my life, I keep current on all government  issues at local, state and federal levels.  I'm happy with my current job and my car is just a way to get me from point A to point B. And my idea of a party is two beers and watching TV.  I'm sure there are others that have followed the same pattern as they get older and there are others that never change and have always live like they did in their twenties.  

Just some thoughts on getting older as we come to a l close of another year.  

Saturday, May 8, 2021


Reason, this word is a major thought process we use it every day sometimes not even realizing it.  It is the justification in our judgement and it its that process we are born with and it varies from person to person but will all have it.

We can build upon it with a lifetime of experiences. Reason helps us make those decisions that are sometimes difficult. Our justice system is base on a reasonable doubt.  Again, we see how important reason is in our daily life. Does this make sense?  a question we often ask ourselves in the course of any day. Reason is our process of what is right or wrong.  

Monday, January 11, 2021


 2021 The New Year or a continuation of 2020

I have tried to be positive about the upcoming year but it has been very difficult. The recent events of the breech of the US Capitol and continued BLM protest, it doesn't seem to be hopeful. The thought of a brighter future seems a little dim now. 

My thought on this is somehow we need to find a common ground.  Politically its not going to happen anytime soon.

So, what will bring us together?

I wish a had an answer, but whatever it might be it needs to happen soon, because everyday that goes by our country will be divided even more.

God Help Us All

Friday, October 2, 2020

COVID-19 Thoughts

 The first news story this morning - The President has the virus.

Some thoughts on the virus.  

I believe it is real and people are dying from it and there is no vaccine at this time.

Next, the day to day activities, people who are high-risk should wear a mask.  If you are healthy and maintain distancing you should have the option not to wear one. 

The mask could have always been worn in the past even during flu season along with the vaccine. But what make this so different in my opinion, is this is political.  

An example, the mayor of Nashville has fabricated the virus numbers to shut the city down plus he has included the prison population into factor in with the overall numbers to keep the city closed. I believe this is to receive federal dollars for the pandemic. I say open all the cities.  If you are at risk, stay home.

My point is at anytime we could die.  People die everyday from disease, flu, pneumonia and the list goes on and we try to prevent those types of illness. We should live everyday as if it was our last. Live your life.  

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?  

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Are we so connected to technology and or devices that we have become dependent upon them?

Is it hard to put your phone down?

Our connection to technology almost at times seems to be a necessary part of our daily lives. But do we really need to check our phones every few minutes? 

I ask these questions because we have become slaves to our phones, computers and favorite apps. Don't get me wrong it is not all bad, but we need to set limits to how we interact with our devices and take time to interact with those people around us. And I'm guilty of all of the above myself. 

Just try a simple observation - take moments during the day to look at the people around you. What are they doing?

Technology is part of our world, it is not going away and we will always be connected at anytime, but there has to be balance. Take time to talk to those people in your life.   

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Suitcase Photos

I went to the flea market the other day and while browsing the various vendors I noticed a suitcase full of photos of people. These were not famous people, just average folks. Most of the pictures were taken 50 or 60 years ago.  As I flipped through them, I wondered about who they were and if those in the pictures still had relatives around. I know when I come across my own black and white pictures, I realize these are my one and only pictures of the past. Unlike today where pictures are stored on some device or on the internet. I also wondered if some of my own pictures will end up in a similar suitcase at a flea market. It is sad to think that those pictures had a story behind them, but because they have been separated the story will never be told.  

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Need for Change

Reading the local liberal newspaper (not a habit) just wanting to see how the left is looking at the elections from yesterday.

I refuse to believe the true conservative movement is dead.

We need to have candidates with strong conservative values. The RINO's have conformed to the liberal agenda. The secularism is overrunning in America. Whatever the trend is today will change tomorrow. This is no way to govern the United States.

I realize there will always be political differences but the problem now is the two parties are at each others throats. What happen to the days of Ronald Reagan, Tip ONeill or Bill Clinton, Newt Geingrich.

This country needs to get back on track before it gets to the point of no return.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Where Do We Go From Here?

Now that the federal government is back operating, where do we go from here?

Democrat or Republican it will come down to the right or the left side of the House and Senate to talk to the people that voted them into office.

It seems like some of the politicians have their own personal agenda and that includes the President.

But the reason the House and the Senate are in place is to be the voice of the people and to separate the powers of the executive offices so no single office has power overall.

So, my statement - Washington listen to the People that you represent - take your personal opinion out. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

TV Shows

What is the problem with some of the shows broadcast on major networks?


Take a moment to analyze some of the shows on the three networks (ABC, NBC, CBS). Some shows will state a caution message on some of the more violent but the other shows no message at all, until you go into watching the show and in the middle you are shocked by some scenes you were not expecting. Some would be explicit enough to have a movie rating (R). 

Next time you watch a new show evaluate it. Is it immoral?  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

In the News Good or Bad

What to blog about?  I thought, so I checked Goggles news page. As I scrolled down through the different news stories and found nothing good or positive. So, I looked for something good to come out of something bad. 

I found the news story about Karen Klein, the 68 year old grandmother. She has worked in the school system for more than 20 years as a bus driver and now a bus monitor in Rochester, NY.

The events of her bad day started to unfold as on the children on the bus verbally attack her while video recording to later post on YouTube. 

Now, what good can come from this? To start as of Saturday the fundraising site  has raised over $600,000. The initial goal was $5,000 to send her on a nice vacation. The money currently raised would have taken her 35 years to save. Karen said in an interview she has no plans to press charges against the kids involved. Hopefully, this will raise awareness about elderly abuse and send the signal to the kids that are good to unite against abusive kids to stop this abuse.

I hope now that one bad thing has now turned into something good and with the money raised she could retire.

God bless her.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


We are all aware that "moderation" is a good rule for health - exercise moderately, eat the same way - drink in moderation but moderation should be taken in moderation. For example - should a man be moderately faithful to his wife? How about your banker - is he moderately honest? That school bus driver - moderately good driver? Somehow I hope the plane I take to L.A. is more than moderately safe. How about in the operating room- the man with the scalpel in his hand - does he have a moderately good record of success with this type of op.? Have you met your son's fiancee - she insists she's a moderately virtuous young woman.
From Ronald Reagan - The Notes (2011) 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I have been following the news lately on the status of the US Postal Service. The last update was that within the next 10 years the US Postal Service would be delivering only 3 days a week.

How did this happen? Historically, it started with the telegraph and overtime faxes and e-mails.

I'm the first to acknowledge that e-mail is very convenient. But, if I receive a hand-written letter in the mail I'm more apt to open it immediately, where as the flood of e-mails I'm more selective in what I open.

I can't image what it would be like not to have regular mail delivery or even worst no postal system as we know it today.

Think about it. We rely heavily on our infrastructure and if there is a total collapse meaning no electricity and no phones. Our only means of distant communication would be the mail system.

The next time you go to your mailbox think about how it would be if this was your only means of communication.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Making New Memories

Memories, yes I know he is going to talk about something that happened a long time ago and this is a sure sign of old age.

I think for this post it will be about making new memories.

Once we stop thinking about the present day we stop making new memories. If we dwell in the past we can never create new memories. Think about the course of your day, for most of us it can be routine. Now take a day or even a week and review it, did you create any new memories? The routine of everyday life can be the small moments that we will reflect back on one day. Technology can help. Mobile phones have both camera and camcorder. History can be recorded at your fingertips and make those new memories.   

 Try to look at everyday day as a new adventure.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Older Thought Process

Why do we think differently as we grow older?

I believe that we all go through this over time, but the decisions that we made when we are younger ultimately effect the way we think years down the road. The process of our development is based on many factors that interject into our lives and those factors influence our thoughts and actions. Our thoughts and actions can change the way we think by our everyday influences. Examples like, your job and the daily interaction with co-workers or customers. The interaction with the people we meet everyday has an influence on us. We can accept or deny the influences based on what we believe. Anyone can change over time and as we grow older our thought process changes. The changes could be from bad to good or good to bad. Free will is the human element that guides our lives in the countless ways we live and think everyday. On any given day you never know what factors could influence your thought process and change the rest of your life.