Saturday, June 23, 2012

In the News Good or Bad

What to blog about?  I thought, so I checked Goggles news page. As I scrolled down through the different news stories and found nothing good or positive. So, I looked for something good to come out of something bad. 

I found the news story about Karen Klein, the 68 year old grandmother. She has worked in the school system for more than 20 years as a bus driver and now a bus monitor in Rochester, NY.

The events of her bad day started to unfold as on the children on the bus verbally attack her while video recording to later post on YouTube. 

Now, what good can come from this? To start as of Saturday the fundraising site  has raised over $600,000. The initial goal was $5,000 to send her on a nice vacation. The money currently raised would have taken her 35 years to save. Karen said in an interview she has no plans to press charges against the kids involved. Hopefully, this will raise awareness about elderly abuse and send the signal to the kids that are good to unite against abusive kids to stop this abuse.

I hope now that one bad thing has now turned into something good and with the money raised she could retire.

God bless her.

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