Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Opinion - Speech Rallies

As we approach the spring and summer months, more and more people will need to express their right to free speech, either from the progressive or conservative view. Which is the right of every U.S. citizen to do. And we equally have the right to disagree with the opinions of speech made in public. My issue is when speeches turn into rallies, rallies turn into marches, and marches turn into blocking the roads. The initial speech has infringed on my right to legally travel where I want to go.  But when law enforcement gets involved in breaking up the roadblocks, it turns into the suppression of free speech. No one has the right to block roads unless a parade permit is issued. This is not free speech. It is harassment to the general public. 

Just my opinion, and mark this as a notice it's coming.

Photo - pixabay - OpenClipart-Vectors  

Friday, July 7, 2023

Soylent Green - FilmFriday

This post is not necessarily a movie review but an opinion about the message within the film.

The movie was interesting, made in 1973, about the year 2022. Some notable actors are Charlton Heston, Edward G. Robinson, and Chuck Connors, to just name a few. The acting and cinematography were typical for that year.

As I watched the film, I thought more about how easily the government, once it has complete control over the citizens, would seem almost impossible to regain control of the freedom one once had.

Without giving any spoilers about the film, I recommend watching it, and depending on where you live, try putting yourself in the events that transpire in the movie.

Could your government do this to your county?

How would you survive each and every day?

Could you fight back and regain the freedom you once knew?


Wednesday, July 5, 2023


The month of July - the month of America

We start the month with a bang in celebrating our independence from England. 

Those early colonies didn't really know how great our country would be.  The United States has had its share of problems, but overall, it's still better than any free country worldwide. 

If you are a citizen of the U.S., take some time this month to reflect and be thankful to be living in the United States.

God Bless America

Photo: pixabay - TheDigitalArtist

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Freedom of the News Media

Freedom within the news media should be open to all points of view. Reporters should not be censored from the agenda of the media management. Reporters should be free to speak their minds without repercussions from those who hired them. 

A few weeks ago, two prominent network reporters were fired. They had a large following. Both expressed their views from the conservative and progressive points of view. I'm not defending either one; each person should draw their own conclusion based on their values. My point is that freedom of speech in the press is critical.  The influence of media management on their employees should not be a factor. I realize it's all about profits, but we have to have news sources, and that news, whether right or wrong, is a mainstay for information. 

Think about this moment; cut off all news sources (which we should occasionally do), no TV, radio, newspapers, or internet. Word of mouth would be the only way to know what is happening. The news at that point would have to be passed on from person to person. This example might seem extreme, but it demonstrates how much we rely on our news sources.

Today's news about the end of Title 42 is a critical piece of information. Why? Because it is estimated that 10,000 illegal immigrants will cross the southern border from now on. This week cities have reported preparing for the massive influx of illegals. 

The news is a critical element of our daily life. We should always stay informed about current events because it will affect us in some way or another. 


Photo - pixabay - geralt

Monday, January 16, 2023

God's Freedom

God gives every single one of our freedoms. This freedom is the ultimate freedom, but it comes with consequences. 

The freedom of free will.

Our will is what drives us in our ability to choose to act on what is good or bad. God could easily have made us always be inclined to do good and never evil. But he gave us the freedom of choice of good or evil. Just as He did with Adam and Eve. The choice of good strengthens our faith when confronting the evil we experience daily. But the choice of sin has the consequences of the judgment of God. It also has been given to us internally, deep into our souls; this freedom is within each of us, and no country or government and take that away from you. 

Exercise your God-given right of free will. But be sure it is with deep thought because the wrong choice has consequences. 

Photo - pixabay - geralt

Monday, December 12, 2022

Elon in the News

Elon Reeve Musk FRS (/ˈiːlɒn/ EE-lon; born June 28, 1971) is a business magnate and investor. He is the founder, CEO and chief engineer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; owner and CEO of Twitter, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; and president of the Musk Foundation. With an estimated net worth of around $171 billion as of December 8, 2022,[4] Musk is the wealthiest person in the world, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and Forbes's real-time billionaires list.[5][6]

Elon Musk - Wikipedia

Elon, the mover, and shaker. He has created a movement to re-do the whole social media concept and truly make Twitter a free speech platform. Most of the criticism comes from the progressives, who are upset because he is letting the conservatives have a voice.

Why has it come to this? 

I realize that hate speech will continually be monitored because the world is still dangerous. But the past CEO of Twitter suspended accounts based on their political views. This is also dangerous because when political thoughts are suppressed, and this continues to be the case for most news outlets. It will be a matter of time before our freedom of speech is completely gone.  And something as simple as this blog could be banished.  

Patriots - Voice your opinions, and do not take this excellent freedom for granted.  



Tuesday, November 1, 2022


November is the month to honor Veterans. 

Most would think November is the month of Thanksgiving or the pre-Christmas month. But I see it as the month for veterans because, without the veterans, we would not have all those freedoms we experience throughout the year.  People take for granted and not really thinking about those who served in our military to protect our country's freedoms. My wife and I always make time for our local Veterans Day parade.  We had experienced times when just a few people came to the parade. It was a sad experience seeing World War II vets walking in the parade waving at the small gathering of groups of supporters on the sidewalk. These guys put their life on the line for us and were willing to take the possibility of dying for our country. The sidewalks should have overflowed with people waving back at them and expressing gratitude.  

Why has our country come to the point of going overboard, celebrating every ethnic and LGBTQ group throughout the year? And barely giving any notice to the US Veteran. The patriotism for our country and those who serve it has disappeared. And those of us who have served and known the sacrifices our military makes every hour of every day can't express how grateful we are to the heroes of the past and present. 

I hope more people will come to local Veterans Day celebrations this year. 

Thank a Veteran!

Photo: BrianPenny - pixabay

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Practice of Christianity

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It is the world's largest religion, with about 2.8 billion followers, representing one-third of the global population.[1][2] Its adherents, known as Christians, are estimated to make up a majority of the people in 157 countries and territories,[3] and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, whose coming as the messiah was prophesied in the Hebrew Bible (called the Old Testament in Christianity) and chronicled in the New Testament.[4]

 The four largest branches of Christianity are the Catholic Church (1.3 billion/50.1%), Protestantism (920 million/36.7%), the Eastern Orthodox Church (230 million), and the Oriental Orthodox churches (62 million) (Orthodox churches combined at 11.9%),[13][14] though thousands of smaller church communities exist despite efforts toward unity (ecumenism).[15] Despite a decline in adherence in the West, Christianity remains the dominant religion in the region, with about 70% of that population identifying as Christian.[16] Christianity is growing in Africa and Asia, the world's most populous continents.[17] Christians remain persecuted in some regions of the world, especially in the Middle East, North Africa, East Asia, and South Asia.[18][19

Christianity. (2022, September 18). In Wikipedia.

I went with a generic and very plain and simple definition from Wikipedia. 

Christians cannot be ignored. They should have a significant voice in politics and in society. But there is a movement worldwide to silence the 2.8 billion people that believe in Jesus Christ. In the United States, those who believe in the separation of church and state believe the meaning of this term is to keep religion out of the government, but the opposite is the true definition. It's to keep the government out of religion.  Which gives us the right to preach, worship, and pray on public property.  Sometimes this works out well, and other times is meant with resistance. In the United States, we have the freedom of religion and should consistently demonstrate in public whenever possible.

Here is an example of faith in practice on public property:

The Men’s Rosary Rally, started and organized by Jeff Coleman, a regular attendee of St. Marth Catholic Church in Ashland City, meets the first Saturday of every month at 1 p.m. at the Legislative Plaza.

Jeff Coleman - the organizer, says: 
“It’s to get people to renew their vows, if you will, renew their faith, and renew their trust in the Lord. It didn’t seem like we had it. It seemed like it was being lost,” he said. “With all the things going on (in society), it seemed like the Catholic faith was being lost to the secular world and everybody forgot about the spiritual world, and I wanted to bring the spirituality back, and I wanted to bring men back to say, ‘Hey, stand up and be a man. You’re the head of the house; you’re the head of everything. You need to stand up and be proud that you’re a guy and not let the secular world attack you.’”

Read the full story here.

Men’s Rosary Rally meets monthly at Legislative Plaza - Tennessee Register

This is how we practice our freedom of religion, and the government cannot take that away. 


Friday, September 2, 2022

The Divided Country


The picture demonstrates the anger in the Democrat Party about the Republicans or the MAGA Republicans, as Biden said in last night's speech.

His speech clearly divided the country; if there was any chance of uniting us, this definitely ended all means of us coming together. I realize there have always been differences, but this goes way beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime.  He spoke last night about the MAGA Republicans, about 75,000,000 people, and how they were against the Rule of Law and the US Constitution. I think the main issue that is so disturbing is the spin he put on everything he said, and the sad part is that the media will expand on his speech and spread even more lies. The MAGA Republicans are the true patriots, believers in the values to which this country was born. The Republicans are not a threat to America.

The real threat to America is Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Make America Great Again

Wednesday, July 6, 2022



July - America's month

On the 4th, we celebrated our independence, which I believe most people take for granted.  Our independence from England allowed us to form a new nation based on freedoms and rights for individuals written in the words of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

One freedom that is exercised every day is the freedom of speech. We see and hear this in the news, on social media, and on this blog.  Some people could only dream of being able to voice their opinion about whatever they wanted without being persecuted or arrested. 

Freedom is a God-given right, and those who live with this freedom should thank God every day.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Zelensky - an opinion

 I watched President Zelensky speak to the US Congress.

I have mixed opinions about the situation. On one side I feel the humanitarian aspect to help those in dire need. The US has always been the go-to country for aid to those in need either by disasters or any other high casualty situation.  

On the other side is, any assistance beyond what we are already doing will clearly draw the United States into WW III. In the most recent wars, the US has fought many years to defeat a single country.  The possibility of WW III will bring us into a war fought on multiple fronts including air and naval battles with not only Russia, but China, Iran, and North Korea, and all of these countries have nuclear capabilities.

The only resolve to this situation, if we agree to the no-fly zone, which will then fully commit us to fight Russia and their allies - the strength of the United States military will have to combine forces with our allies in Europe. The added military muscle of our allies would absolutely crush Russia.     

WW III would be catastrophe to the world. The advanced weapons technology systems of today would make the casualty rate much higher than WW II.  The United States would have to activate the military draft system, for casualty replacements and this would now include women.

I pray to God this will end soon.     

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

American Independence?

The announcement yesterday from the Biden administration to stop the import of Russian oil should have happen months ago.  But we should not have been doing business with them at all. 

I remember a time when I was younger, if I saw any product that was made in another country it was a rare thing and nowadays its rare to see an American product.

We have lost our independence on goods.  We have come to dependent on other countries and just like American companies are closing off goods and services to Russia the same could happen here. If a country is in disagreement with US foreign policies they could easily eliminate the export of their goods to America. And the commerce battle lines will be laid out.

The United States historically has been known for independence and freedom, we are no longer that country.  The next time you buy any product take note where it was made, then come to the realization it might not be available the next time. Now is the time to buy American and take in consideration the materials used to make that product. 

Do those materials come from another country?

Buy 100% American made products, I realize this is a difficult task because of the convenience of just buying what you need and not doing the research.  This is the only way for us to regain our independence.  


Photo Pixabay -  Mediamodifier   

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Oil Agenda


The gas price continues to go up, and there is no end to when it will stop. 

Once upon a time, we were completely independent in America, with no dependency on anything from another country.  But, somewhere, we lost that independence. Well, we are paying for that loss now.

The Biden administration refuses to open our oil reserves because it goes against their climate change/green energy agenda. They believe if the price of oil continues to go up, people will eventually stop buying gas because it will be too expensive. And here is the real reason, if America stops buying gas, the government can expand the electric car industry and force people to rid themselves of the oil industry.

We have enough oil in our country to be completely independent, and we should stop the insanity of paying for oil from Russia and other Middle Eastern countries.  I like driving gas-powered vehicles, and as long as we have those oil reserves, we need to continue to drill.   

Thursday, February 24, 2022

NATO and Ukraine

There is too much going on in the world. It's one thing to see a country going through troubling times, but when their troubles become ours and the world then that's a problem. Putin has said if anyone interferes with his attack on Ukraine, they will suffer consequences.   

The war in Ukraine is influencing countries world-wide from financial markets to the price of oil. Putin needs to be stopped now. The countries that surround Ukraine are not strong enough to defend themselves so, they will rely on NATO which the United States is a member.  Those border countries are Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. If Russia fires rounds into any bordering NATO country or advances his forces, it will activate Article 5 of the NATO alliance.

NATO Article 5 highlights:
  • Collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
  • NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.
  • NATO has taken collective defense measures on several occasions, for instance in response to the situation in Syria and in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
  • NATO has standing forces on active duty that contribute to the Alliance’s collective defense efforts on a permanent basis.
NATO - Homepage

If Russia advances into any NATO country, it will be the beginning of World War III.  I have stated this many times in previous post and I pray it doesn't happen.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Canadian Freedom

 More power to the people of Canada.

Their government is not the same as the United States, but one thing the people of Canada have in common with the United States, as well as any country in the world. 

People want to be free - free to make their own decisions - freedom of speech - freedom to assemble.

It is a God given right and is instilled in every person to be able to live freely without a government telling them what they must do. 

The United States or at least the conservative people of the US support Canada! 

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Trucker Rebellion

 Truckers around the world are beginning to see the impact they have in world politics.  The Canadian truckers have started a rebellion that is sending a message of freedom.

I read a news story today about truckers in Vienna are starting to form an alliance with the Canadians, and the American truckers are doing the same.

I believe this is just the beginning. Freedom from the vaccine mandates will only grow stronger and probably expand into other industries. The power of the people to unite under the common cause of freedom can not be suppress and the more resistance they receive the stronger they become. 

Friday, January 14, 2022


 A battle won in the the war on freedom.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled against the vaccine mandate for businesses.  This victory is significant because the progressives have assumed for a long time that they would always get what they wanted because they are the majority (only by political office).  The conservative side has won its first major battle in the war on freedom. Although, not everything passed, healthcare workers will have to be vaccinated.  The governor for the State of Tennessee has said he will fight against this at a state level.  So, the battle is not over at least for the state.  

We must stand against this movement for more government to control our lives, this decision was not about healthcare.  We have a good system in the United States at least for now, our voices are still heard.  Let freedom continue grow and flourish.   

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Do Not Forget the Past

 "Those who forget their past are condemned to repeat it"

This is exactly what is happen today.  Tomorrow a decision is going to be made my the Supreme Court about Federal Mandates on businesses for their employees to be vaccinated and enforced by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).  I'm personally against this, vaccinated or not people should seriously look at this and realize this is clearly over-reach by our government.  We must have a choice in this matter.  It is not one-sided. Because, if we do not stop it here what is the next mandate?  In the news on any given day you can hear stories from countries around the world about strict mandates on lockdowns, the gathering of people in public, and vaccination requirements to enter a business.  Where does to stop?  I realize there are some who are for the mandates and if they want to live in an oppressed society then leave the United States.  

This is a free country and freedom means a choice in matters that involve us personally.  All throughout history this same scenario of mandates to force people to comply has been repeated over and over. 

I pray and hope the Supreme Court will follow the Constitution.