Friday, May 12, 2023

The Freedom of the News Media

Freedom within the news media should be open to all points of view. Reporters should not be censored from the agenda of the media management. Reporters should be free to speak their minds without repercussions from those who hired them. 

A few weeks ago, two prominent network reporters were fired. They had a large following. Both expressed their views from the conservative and progressive points of view. I'm not defending either one; each person should draw their own conclusion based on their values. My point is that freedom of speech in the press is critical.  The influence of media management on their employees should not be a factor. I realize it's all about profits, but we have to have news sources, and that news, whether right or wrong, is a mainstay for information. 

Think about this moment; cut off all news sources (which we should occasionally do), no TV, radio, newspapers, or internet. Word of mouth would be the only way to know what is happening. The news at that point would have to be passed on from person to person. This example might seem extreme, but it demonstrates how much we rely on our news sources.

Today's news about the end of Title 42 is a critical piece of information. Why? Because it is estimated that 10,000 illegal immigrants will cross the southern border from now on. This week cities have reported preparing for the massive influx of illegals. 

The news is a critical element of our daily life. We should always stay informed about current events because it will affect us in some way or another. 


Photo - pixabay - geralt

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