Showing posts with label cost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cost. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


In the upcoming months what will it take to rebuild?

Once the businesses start to fully open, we will have to go out and support the businesses in our local economy. The support we give by spending our dollars in these businesses will open the opportunity for employees to come back to work, for vendors to start selling and delivering supplies. This action will have a ripple effect. Our time out spending will greatly affect our nation's economy. 

Next, I believe it is important to buy American, buy the products made in the USA and again the effect - employment opportunities and the economy grows in our own country. We should be able to support ourselves as a nation and not depend on another county for products that could easily be produced here.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Cost?

The day after Thanksgiving or as most know it as black Friday.

I really don't care for the sales and all the craziness that comes with the madness of the stores opening the doors and people fighting through the crowd to get to the best deals.

It is amazing how businesses can mark down a product 50% or 75% and still make a considerable profit. I often wonder how much a product really cost. What is the actual markup on these black Friday sale items?

Nevertheless, this is capitalism at its best. I hope that one day manufacturing will come back to the United States and consumers buying products today would actually create more jobs.  

So, the next time you are out looking for a sale check to see where it was made. When you buy a product made in another country think about it as taking someone's job.

Buy American.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Can You Change the World?

I believe anyone can change the world. Your approach to the process will depend on your abilities, passion and resources.

Does it take money? Yes and No
I have worked in a non-profit environment and I have seen the struggles of funding. The impact of dollars can buy food, clothing and housing. Also, if most people are asked “what would they do if they won the lottery?’ somewhere in the list of things they would buy would be a donation to a charity. You can also change the world without money; simply by being kind to everyone you meet everyday.

Would you have to invent something? Yes
The fact that I have posted this blog entry on the internet through a computer is proof that invention can change the world. The discoveries in medicine, space exploration are just a few things that have change the world.

Can you change the world one person at a time? Yes
Absolutely and it does not cost any money and you do not have to be a rocket scientist. The simple act of kindness to everyone you meet, everyday can change the world.
Why? because it is contagious.

Does it take a leader to form a group with a mission? Yes
A leader can transform any group whether it is business, religious, political or volunteer. If you take a moment and think about all the leaders in the world, past and present, you will see that leadership can change the world.

Can one event in someone’s life change the world? Yes
My first thought, Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection changed the world.

Can you be anonymous and change the world? Maybe
I think it is possible, but in today’s world, unless you have complete secrecy, someone will find out.

Are There Other Ways You Can Change The World?