Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Is Politics Interwoven into Every Aspect of Our Life?

For the most part, it is for the obviously elected officials who are supposed to represent us as the first initial influence in daily life. They make decisions like raising or lowering taxes, which affect your income, and many decisions are voted on without our direct input of yes or no. Note: we should all practice voicing our opinions to elected officials whether they are heard or not. 

So, how does politics play a part in the rest of our lives? At one time, many years ago, the above statement was the standard view of politics.  But it has become apparent when selecting something as simple as watching the evening news. Specific channels are politically biased, and all their content is focused on an agenda. Let's take it even lower.  What about going to the grocery store?  Do we buy certain products based on the company that produced them and their political views?  I would say the majority of people don't. On the other hand, I believe many people buy products based on social media influencers.

And lastly, is politics involved in sports? If you are unsure, take a moment to watch the Super Bowl half-time show.  And specifically look for political statements and other connotations of social justice. 

Politics are everywhere. And with this being an election year, expect as the closer it gets to November to get prepared to be overwhelmed with opinions, progressive and conservative actors and musicians endorsing candidates, and businesses influencing customers to vote for a particular candidate. And sad but true, religious endorsements for their candidate of choice.

The bottom line is that this election year, depending on who is elected President of the United States, will significantly influence your life, whether you like it or not.

photo- pixabay - chayka1270   

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Primaries

I saw this yesterday and thought how similar it looked. The signs are identical in color. The Sunday morning news shows are always political. It seems the Democrats are pushing the Republicans to vote for Haley. Why? Could it be because she is the weaker candidate? And if they can sway the conservative vote towards her, then Trump would not be the nominee for the Republican Party.  Once that happened, the Democrats would then focus their attack on Haley.  All of this to position Biden to be re-elected.  Trump is clearly the better candidate, and the liberals know how weak Biden is in policies and his capacity to articulate his thoughts. They know Biden cannot win a political debate with Trump. The primaries in the upcoming month are critical.  The Republicans running for President are dropping out of the race because they clearly cannot win against Trump. The majority of conservative voters in the United States want Trump to be the next President.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

God will Prevail

Scanning the news stories this morning, I discovered this MSNBC interview about using God as an excuse.

Follow the Link

Everyone in this great country has the right to voice their opinion; with that said, here is mine.

The interview follows up on the recent events in the Tennesse state legislature, the expulsion of members of the State House, and the difference in opinions about right and wrong. The video clearly expresses the extreme progressive left criticizing the words and actions of the members of the super-majority-led conservative party in the State House.  These representatives are relaying the voices of their constituents, who are God-fearing people and believe the laws of God should be followed in all matters of life with no exceptions. God did not give us rules to live by just so we could pick and choose the ones we agree with and disregard the ones we don't. 

God knows what is best for us. God created the universe, so I trust God knows what He is doing. No one is perfect. We have to do our best every day to make the right decisions. But the MSN video completely disregards the Truth of God; they are choosing to criticize what conservatives see as a way of life and twisting the words of the Bible to fit their narrative. 

God's Word in the Bible was given to us to follow to the end of times. It does not change according to which way the political and cultural winds are blowing. No exception. God knows what is best for us because He loves us.  There is no place for racism, prejudice, or any other hatred. But with that said we must not give in to the progressive ideology that all things Christian are evil. Christians for over 2,000 years have been defending their faith, and it will not be stopped by whatever is trending on the day's news. God will prevail. 

Photo - pixabay - bpcraddock 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Priority Vote

The day before the most critical election in recent times. 

This post is specifically for the conservative citizens in the United States.

I realize that sometimes it's challenging to get to the polls because of the balance of time, family, and work. But this election day should take an absolute priority. If you have been current with the news over the last two years, you have clearly seen the agenda the progressives want to accomplish. And most of their legislation has been stopped by the Senate because of the conservative majority. I do not need to remind everyone how radical those laws, if passed, would be, a radical shift in American policies that could never be restored.

Tomorrow make your vote count and help restore America back to the Great country it is - Vote Republican.

Photo: amberzen - pixabay 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Midterm

The top story on most news outlets is the midterm elections. In the past, these elections have had a low turnout of voters at the polls. But this year will be different.  As we will vote in our own states, it's important to note we need to also focus on the other states. Since the last election, the House and Senate have been almost evenly split. The Democrats won the House, and the Republicans won the Senate. The two Houses combined can pass legislation, but nothing will give because each party has a majority vote in each House. 

The midterm elections could change this according to who wins in both houses. If the Dems win both Houses, we can watch our rights and freedoms entirely voted out of the constitution. And if the Republicans win, we can be assured that those rights and freedoms stay in place. 

I believe what makes this election important is the preview of the outlandish legislation the Democrats have proposed in the last several years. The main reason the United States has been so successful is that we are a republic and capitalist country. No other country in the world is like us. We must vote to protect our great country and not let the liberals set into law their socialist policies that can never be changed. Because we are the last free country in the world. Fight for it by casting your vote. 

Photo: geralt - pixabay   

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Media Blitz


There will be a media blitz of political campaign attacks in the next couple of months. Progressives and Conservatives have been gathering news clips for the past months and taking sound bites from politicians up for election.

This will hit us hard with political commercials before November 8th. I believe most ads will be aimed at independents and those undecided. Because the Democrats and Republicans have already decided on their candidate. Ultimately, the ones elected will result from the marketing manager strategy who developed the ads. Sadly, we must rely on what we see and hear in campaign ads. I know we could all do some deep research into each candidate. 

But there is some truth in our gut instincts. Most of this is based on our past experiences and the political life of the candidate.  November the 8th is a critical date that could change our government drastically. Both parties are far apart and have no room for compromise. 

In my conservative view, the progressives will say or do anything possible to convince the undecided voters to come to their side. And I'm not entirely confident that the election process will be fair. I refuse to believe that Biden received more votes than any president in the history of the United States. There is no way this actually happens. The 2020 election was fraudulent, fixed, stolen, compromised, and rigged. Biden is not the elected president of the United States, but that is just my opinion. And I believe they (the democrats) will do exactly what it takes to repeat another fraudulent election day to keep their destructive policies so they can continue to destroy the US Constitution and the Rule of Law and to take all our freedoms to live under a Socialist government.

God help us all! 

Make America Great Again! 

Photo: chayka1270 - pixabay


Monday, August 29, 2022

We Must Take Back Our Country

Have the citizens of the United States become complacent about decisions made by the federal government on their behalf?

Why does it seem that our elected officials are implementing their own opinions about laws that govern the people who put them in office?

I realize some decisions are made on our behalf because it is a matter of ongoing day-to-day business that all political parties can agree on.

Lately, laws like the Inflation Reduction Act are being introduced and passed without any voice. 

Highlighted below are the points that have nothing to do with inflation or reduction.  This is where politicians will insert their personal opinion on how the federal government should spend our money.

From Wikipedia:


The Build Back Better Plan was a legislative framework proposed by United States President Joe Biden between 2020 and 2021. Generally viewed as ambitious in size and scope, it sought to make the largest nationwide public investments in social, infrastructural, and environmental programs since the 1930s Great Depression-fighting policies of the New Deal.[7]

The plan was divided into three parts: one of them, The American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief spending bill, was signed into law in March 2021.[8] The other two parts were reworked into different bills over the course of extensive negotiations within and among Congressional entities. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) was a proposal to address long-neglected infrastructure needs and reduce America's contributions to climate change's destructive effects;[9] the American Families Plan (AFP) was a proposal to fund a variety of social policy initiatives, some of which (e.g. paid family leave) had never before been enacted nationally in the U.S.[10]

The Build Back Better Act was a bill introduced in the 117th Congress to fulfill aspects of the Build Back Better Plan. It was spun off from the American Jobs Plan, alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as a $3.5 trillion Democratic reconciliation package that included provisions related to climate change and social policy. Following negotiations, the price was lowered to approximately $2.2 trillion. The bill was passed 220–213 by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021.

In December 2021, amidst of negotiations and parliamentary procedures, Senator Joe Manchin publicly pulled his support from the bill for not matching his envisioned cost of about $1.75 trillion[citation needed], then subsequently retracted support for his own compromise legislation. This effectively killed the bill as it needs 50 senators to pass via reconciliation, and all 50 Republican senators opposed it. Continued negotiations between Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer over the course of months eventually resulted in the $737 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[11]

The sudden deal on the Inflation Reduction Act, which was negotiated in secret and announced on July 27, 2022, was widely regarded as a 'shocker' as Democrats had voiced that there was little hope for a revival of many of their priorities in addition to Manchin himself being rather pessimistic on the prospect in public.[12]

As the revised bill made its way through the chambers of Congress, the new reality of Biden unexpectedly having a clear path to enacting substantial portions of his domestic agenda into law led to a wide reevaluation of the success of the Biden presidency thus far and is expected to give the President and his party a boost while campaigning for the upcoming 2022 Midterm elections.[13][14][15]

This is just one example of what goes on behind closed doors that directly affect us as taxpayers.

We must take back our country!

Photo: Prettysleepy - Pixabay






Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Bookstore Current Affairs


This is the Current Affairs section at Barns & Noble's bookstore. If this is any indication of the direction of our country, we are in trouble. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

No Mask Required - my opinion

The recent judicial ruling on the mask requirement on transportation has been dropped, and when the news was received by those passengers in flight, there was a burst of celebration.  This was the last federal requirement for masks to be mandated on all public transportation. 

But as expected, the political progressives in D.C. did not like it. The Biden administration is expected to repel the decision. The longer this repel takes, and if the decision is reversed, I can't even imagine the protest that will take place.  Some might say if it is repealed, people will conform and give in to wearing masks again.  I say progressive and conservative, or "ordinary non-political" people, might agree to some common ground on this topic of no more mandates. I also realize there will be those who will wear a mask till the day they die, which is their choice.  

We all want this to be over. But I believe the political agenda of the elected progressives will try to force us back into the pandemic lockdowns again because without the control of mandates - they have no power to regulate us. 

photo -  Hatice EROL - pixabay     

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Are You Ready?

 2019 was the last year we knew of a "somewhat normal" way of life.

Since then, we have had the following:

  • Pandemic
  • Election Fraud
  • Civil Unrest and Protest
  • Business Closures
  • School Curriculum Controversy
  • Supply Chain Breakdown
  • Interest Rate Increase
  • Stock Market Down
  • War in Ukraine
  • Threats of Nuclear War 
  • Cyber Attacks
  • Rising Gas Prices
  • Progressive vs. Conservative
Is there more to add?

All of this has affected us in some way or another. It is important at this time to be thinking about preparedness. Actually, if you are just now thinking about it you are already behind. So, without going into some major details about preparedness, which will be a later post, think about how the above list of events affected you.

Did you feel at any time you were un-prepared?

What could you have done differently?

Thinking about current events, could our country be affected?

Has the supply chain and the increase cost affected you?

If you could not get supplies, do you have enough now to last at least month?

What if all utilities (water, electricity, gas) were cut-off?

What would you do if all communications collapsed?

And the last question, Are you Ready?


photo - ArtTower - pixabay

Thursday, March 17, 2022

We thought 2020 was Bad a Year

All of this year's events have been overwhelming with mandates and vaccine enforcements, supply chain issues, high gas prices, the trucker rebellion, elementary and high school curriculum wokeness.  And "men" having babies and competing in women's sporting events. I also, should mention the threat of World War.

How crazy does this sound?

2020 was bad, but 2022 is not the best of times so far.

A bit of all this chaos has continued on from the last couple of years and seems to be getting worst. Our politicians from a local level all the way up to the Biden Administration need to get out of the way and let a preferably conservative leader take charge. 

This madness has to stop!         

Monday, February 21, 2022

Canadian Freedom

 More power to the people of Canada.

Their government is not the same as the United States, but one thing the people of Canada have in common with the United States, as well as any country in the world. 

People want to be free - free to make their own decisions - freedom of speech - freedom to assemble.

It is a God given right and is instilled in every person to be able to live freely without a government telling them what they must do. 

The United States or at least the conservative people of the US support Canada! 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Fear or Comfortable Compliance

I wonder or at least I hope one day this pandemic will be over.  Some say it will never be over but if one day it is, there will be those people who will continue to wear masks years from now on and businesses that will continue requiring proof of vaccination to enter. 

Do these people do this out of fear or compliance to a science that makes them comfortable?

We have to realize at some point in our society we will have to standby what is acceptable and what is not.  I say, of all the changes that have taken place since 2020 this is not the right direction our country should be going.  Its seems as the pandemic was the turning point for the progressives to start their agenda to transform the world. Conservatives, do not give in to the progressive agenda, hold true to your values, do not become comfortable with compliance and fear the repercussions of your resistance. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

What Next?

The first day of the new year - what will this year be like?  

Today, most news and social media are giving their predictions for 2022.  I think some of it makes sense, but who would have thought 2021 and all the events and changes that took place would have happened.  Looking back, no one came even close to all the craziness of the year.  I believe most of the country was hoping for a better year, myself included.

So, I'm going to go ahead and say it now - we will continue with the virus until mid-summer, and it will miraculously disappear. Because the mid-term elections will happen in November, and the democrats' will have to make themselves look good.  The economy will continue to tank throughout the year, so dem's can say it's the Republican's fault.  I also think more protest about social injustice is possible because the whole 2020 trend was popular with the Marxists, plus it will give more fuel for the elections.

With that said, I also believe the conservatives will be a more vocal, more peaceful protest, with large assemblies of people coming together to pray and conservative politicians echoing the voice of the people they represent.  

It is time to take back our country!


Friday, October 22, 2021

The Response


The response to the madness of proposals from the liberals' in Washington should be countered with an aggressive response from the conservatives.  Yesterday, Biden made the statement in a townhall meeting, that he didn't care about our freedoms just wants us to get vaccinated.  

Freedom is what its all about, it is the foundation of our country we have the right to choose - to take the jab or not. People should not have to decide to either lose their job or take the shot. This president is dividing our country, not uniting it.  I believe he has an agenda to completely change the course of the future of the United States.

Conservatives, Speak up now !!    

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Agenda

The United States has been a country of a wide variety of political opinions and in someway its a good thing, until that opinion goes against the US Constitution. I'm not an expert in all the details of this important US document. But there is a movement to completely change or even do away with the freedoms we have been given.

As people are migrating here from their oppressed countries to become American citizens only to see in the news of people born here trying to destroy it. I believe those who are on a mission for the destruction of this nation should leave if they are not happy here.

In my lifetime I have never seen so much hate internally for the US, to the point if you disagree with something you just eliminate it and implement the opposite - no discussion. 

How do we fight this changing of America? We do it by staying informed, filtering the good and bad news, checking and validating sources of information, staying involved in the conservative movement. You should know who represents you at a county, state, and federal level. Do not let the progressives replace the Constitution with their ever changing agenda.


 Image by Darkmoon_Art from Pixabay    

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Disguised Politicians


The definition of disguised - to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity.

The two parts of this definition are applied to what is going on in our nation right now, the false appearance and assumed identity. In this blog entry it is the false representation.

The movement to fundamentally change the United States under the disguise of what appears to be the normal process of change, either politically, economically, racially, or geographically. 

First, politically, some members of Congress and Senate give the appearance of being the great Americans who echo is the voices of the people they represent and that might be the case in certain areas of the country. But those constituents who follow the disguised politician are basically going along with their representatives who are telling them what is right for them and the country. This is dangerous, because if people are just following along with whatever their representatives say it takes away one of our rights and that is they (the politicians) do what we say and not them telling us. They are our voice and represent us and not them representing their agenda.

Second, economically, in the words of James Otis "Taxation without Representation is tyranny". Again, we go back to representation of the people. How can one person say we need to tax the rich? Who are the rich?  Where is the line between the rich and everybody else? These questions are not to be decided by one person.  I believe when such legislation comes up, we should vote, plain and simple. I realize a referendum to vote on a matter of taxes must go thru a lengthy process, but we would have that voice. Another point is if we heavily tax the rich and most of them are business owners they will pass that expense on the consumer, so in essence, the non-rich will end up paying the tax on products and services of the rich.

Third, racially, race has always been a divider not just in this country but all over the world. How does race divide us? Why are we being told at a national level of large groups of people being classified as racist? Again, this goes back to the disguise of our representatives because people will just go along with whatever they say and believe it. Prejudice is the most common form of racism, when a person judges an entire group on based on their race. I believe the United States is a representation of Americans, not a particular color, race, sex, or any other category.  We are Americans - We are One Nation under God, and as God sees us, it is not by the color of our skin. But we have politicians saying we are a racist country. This is not true. But that is not to say they do not exist. We must fight back against racism because we are Americans. 

Fourth, geographically, these are the States and counties across the United States. This is the real heart of the matter. We see every day certain States and counties are either a blue (progressive) or a red (conservative). The Governors and the county representatives fall into the same category as those in Washington D.C. All of this is about the people being represented by elected officials. Now, depending on which party you fall into, progressive or conservatives or independents (the undecided) they will elect who they feel best represents them. The regions of our nation should be the voice to the President and that person again represents us.

My bottom line is until we can all come to somewhat agree on issues which will never be the case. The disguised politicians should stop saying most of the American people agree with whatever legislation, laws etc... because most of the conservatives do not agree with the socialist progressives. If you have been reading any part of this blog, you will know I am conservative.  The narrative that is in most of the media today is wrong and does not represent how I think.  In the past, the political parties would usually come to a compromise on the issues but now it is all one sided. And that side is disguised as an American representation of the people and what they are hiding is the transformation of this country to socialism. 

Rise Conservatives!! 

Let your voice be heard and known to others who are following the socialist's agenda blindly. Speak the truth, question them on their beliefs, educate them on the real facts. Debate is a good practice, and always be respectful. 

Exercise your right to the freedom of speech.


Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay 


Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 The fact that Americans get to choose the leaders of our country is what makes the United States great.

But, nowadays, the voting system seems to be inadequate. The voting machines are questionable after this last election. The mail in ballots seem to also be questionable. And the progressive want to eliminate voter identification and that is just crazy.

  Why? 🤯

you have to have ID for just about anything that's official and voting is one of the most important duties we have as citizens.

I understand technology is always changing the way we do things but we must have voter integrity, because if we don't it just sets us up for all kinds of voter fraud.  I realize nothing is absolutely perfect and corruption free, but by all means possible our elections must be a true representation the of the people. 

Contact your local, state and federal elected officials and tell to keep voter identification a requirement.    

Friday, June 18, 2021

Which Side?

The times are changing.

What do I mean by this?  Society is changing, there is a clear divide between three groups. The Progressives, Conservatives, and Independents. 

The influence of these three will determine who will win this struggle of power at our federal, state and local governments.

Most people are not involved politically because they really don't care until it effects them directly. Once that happens then they get involved but the problem is they do not known what the three groups or parties represent they will just go along with the flow. This is dangerous because a particular party might represent something completely opposite of your beliefs.

So, before your get involved politically do your homework and research and choose which side you are on.