Saturday, January 1, 2022

What Next?

The first day of the new year - what will this year be like?  

Today, most news and social media are giving their predictions for 2022.  I think some of it makes sense, but who would have thought 2021 and all the events and changes that took place would have happened.  Looking back, no one came even close to all the craziness of the year.  I believe most of the country was hoping for a better year, myself included.

So, I'm going to go ahead and say it now - we will continue with the virus until mid-summer, and it will miraculously disappear. Because the mid-term elections will happen in November, and the democrats' will have to make themselves look good.  The economy will continue to tank throughout the year, so dem's can say it's the Republican's fault.  I also think more protest about social injustice is possible because the whole 2020 trend was popular with the Marxists, plus it will give more fuel for the elections.

With that said, I also believe the conservatives will be a more vocal, more peaceful protest, with large assemblies of people coming together to pray and conservative politicians echoing the voice of the people they represent.  

It is time to take back our country!


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