Monday, January 24, 2022


Yesterday, I watched NFL football for the first time in about 3 years. And the only reason why I did was just out of curiosity.  The main reason I haven't been watching was the NFL went "woke".  I was at one time a avid football fan.  I was a season-ticket hold for the Tennessee Titans and on the side played fantasy football.  But, three years ago when Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem, I was shocked at how that one event would change my view of the game. At first I though it would just be a passing fad until the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell embrace this action and made it the mission statement for the NFL. When I was going to the games it was a good fan experience, everybody was united and it didn't make a difference what race you belonged to - we were just fans there to support our team. 

I have always been proud to stand and place my hand over my heart during the playing of the National Anthem.  Its a moment in time when everyone stood united, and at that moment no politics, no race, no male or female.  We all stand united because the anthem reminds us of our history - good or bad its ours.  Its also reminds us, we are free to have our opinions and speak our thoughts. The problem with the NFL is - its a game and entertainment for us, not a political platform to force their opinions on everyone watching the game.


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