Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Should our age define our activities?

As I become older it seems my activities have changed. I'm still as active (I think) as I was in my younger days.

I am more observant of people older than myself. This gives me a possible view of what my activities might be later on in my advanced years. Now, I don't consider myself to be old, but it doesn't hurt to map out my later years.

I have observed people who are much older than I and could probably work and play longer than I could imagine. While others have become stagnate and are ready for the nursing home.

My belief is age is just a number. If you believe that someone should act their age than do so, but this is not what defines you. It is your attitude and how you see life. The drive that gets us out of bed every morning and having goals in life is the force that fights the number we call age.