Showing posts with label strike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strike. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Railway Unions

Today, the railway unions agreed not to strike. 

Here are my thoughts on this whole situation. 

The unions in America have too much power. The threat of the railway strike sent a panic way across America. If this had happened, it would have shut down the country's supply chain, crippling businesses and Americans, causing panic buying in the stores, similar to the pandemic.

"A potential strike could lead to $2 billion a day in lost economic output, according to the Association of American Railroads, which lobbies on behalf of railway companies. Rail is critical to the entire goods side of the economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, retail, and warehousing. Freight railroads are responsible for transporting 40% of the nation's long-haul freight -- and a work stoppage could endanger those shipments."  (ABC News)

 And that amount of power is dangerous.  It's not like the early days of the unions when workers struggled to get fair pay. Nowadays, it's not an issue. Union workers get a good salary and benefits. But the demand from the unions to get any amount they deem a fair wage will almost always be passed down to the American people with a cost increase in products. So, ultimately, it's not the company that will increase the salary; it's the American people. 

Photo:  code83 - pixabay