Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walking. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I've been walking more than usual lately because I have been working at home. The walking that I did at the office was my daily exercise and at the end of the day my daily step count was my way of staying active. But the only steps I get at home are to the frig or bathroom. So, I have been taking an occasional break and go outside to walk. 

Walking outdoors is refreshing it helps me to unfocus on the fast-pace world and focus on God's creation. The city life still has its sights and sounds of a rushed life. But with the casual stroll around the neighborhood you can still experience the creation of nature. The sight of the new growth of plants in spring, the sounds of birds, and squirrels running around. This virus has hindered our lives in many ways ways but it has also open our eyes to discover the creation that God has given us. A gift we should not take for granted.