Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label routines. Show all posts

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Ordinary Life

The ordinary life we live. But is the ordinary life really ordinary?

This life is the everyday events and daily routines we live. The ordinary life still has all the ups and downs, work-home balance, family problems, financial problems, repairs on the home or car, kids in school, and issues in the neighborhood. So, no matter how you deal with it or not it is the life you live.  I would think if we had to exchange our ordinary daily life with someone else we would keep our own. When we see the whole picture and really think about all we have to do it really isn't ordinary - its an exemplary life because we try to do our best everyday in our own way balancing the all of the daily stuff thrown in our direction.  We are imperfect hero's in our exemplary life.    

Monday, June 15, 2020

Before and After

Just a few thoughts about about this point in time, our history.

I believe that the COVID-19 will mark a point in our lives when we will talk about time in terms of was that before or after the pandemic. Because it has effected every particle of the day-to day activities, from what happens at home, workplaces, restaurants, sporting events and the list could go on and on.  History will record how well we survived, the good and bad decisions, medical history in case this happens again.  All the lessons will be our history to go the books for future generations to read. 

I wonder how history will describe this event?