Showing posts with label SOTU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOTU. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Speech

 I watched the State of the Union Address last night and it clearly did not give us the true state of our country.

I believe both liberals and conservatives at some point would agree the speech was not good. The liberals didn't hear the list of "all" agenda items Biden promised he would do as president, which was clear in the Democrat response by Rashida Talib. The dems are not happy, they want a more progressive president. And for the conservatives it was a bunch of lies, making statements to try to unite us - what a joke. This country is clearly divided. In the speech, I could not believe I heard him say "we need to secure our borders" and this was directed to the people who are living in the "I don't follow politics or watch the news people" for those this was a profound statement and for all others it was insane, didn't make any sense statement. The man is crazy and his speech writer is make it worse.