Showing posts with label agenda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label agenda. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Political Moves

 I live in a city where everyone from all over the United States seems to be moving here. I was born and raised in this city. Occasionally, when my wife and I are out and about, we will sometimes have conversations with people we meet, and it will come up in conversation. Where are you from? And our response is here. Their reply is no, where are you really from? And as we repeat ourselves, it seems hard to believe that they have actually met someone who is a native of the city. 

I live in a conservative state but live in a liberal city. The problem is that so many people are moving to the city from other states that it drives the people who have lived here all their lives to leave. 

I understand if you live in a state or city with political agendas against your values to move out. But this needs to be considered in political moves; if moving out to another town, one should assimilate into the culture of that area. Refrain from bringing the customs of your previous home state. So, why would one leave an area they hated and move to another only to create the same environment they just left. 

Stop this insanity. If you are from the North and move to the South, you should assimilate to the South's customs and values.

Photo - pixabay - mohamed_hassan

Monday, April 10, 2023

Keep it Simple

Why does politics have to be a component of every decision we make?

This applies to almost everything we hear in the news.  Within businesses, we see this when large corporations compete with other companies; someone is always trying to make a deal with a politician to gain some advantage over their competitors. I don't believe this applies to lower-level office departments, but to some degree, the "office politics" is in progress daily. The entertainment industry has a load of political actors who use their popularity to manipulate fans. And, of course, the sports industry, like the entertainment industry, has its fair share of opinions.

My opinion is to take the politics out, and I know that is impossible, but why can't marketing, businesses, sports, and entertainment eliminate the political aspect. We already have enough problems, so why add to the stress. Keep everything simple; everything does not have to have a political agenda.

Photo - pixabay - flockine               

Monday, February 13, 2023

No Football

The top news story today is about the Super Bowl.  This is to be expected because of all the hype that traditionally surrounds this major sporting event. Everyone cheers for their team, or they have wagered a bet, and some for the halftime show and commercials.

I, for one, did not watch it.  I am a former fan of the sport, a season-ticket holder, and a fantasy football fan player. Several years ago, I was saddened when all of the wokeness infiltrated the league. I was a fan because of the sport itself but mostly because it was a uniting event with no politics, no agenda, no X-rated halftime show, and an overall patriotic demonstration of two of the best teams in the world of an American sport. America seemed to be united, and political differences were put aside, and for the day, it was about the game of football.

The NFL, the Grammy award show, and other Hollywood liberals are doing their part with those who want to change how America has traditionally viewed the values for which this country was founded.  The Judeo-Christian values have become a thorn in the side of those who want to make America progressive to the point where anything goes; no matter the agenda, there would be no limit to what is said, no limit to what is shown. The one way to fight back is to voice your opinion openly and not give into the woke society pressure just because it's the popular thing to do.

Photo: - pixabay - alessandra1barbieri

Monday, August 29, 2022

We Must Take Back Our Country

Have the citizens of the United States become complacent about decisions made by the federal government on their behalf?

Why does it seem that our elected officials are implementing their own opinions about laws that govern the people who put them in office?

I realize some decisions are made on our behalf because it is a matter of ongoing day-to-day business that all political parties can agree on.

Lately, laws like the Inflation Reduction Act are being introduced and passed without any voice. 

Highlighted below are the points that have nothing to do with inflation or reduction.  This is where politicians will insert their personal opinion on how the federal government should spend our money.

From Wikipedia:


The Build Back Better Plan was a legislative framework proposed by United States President Joe Biden between 2020 and 2021. Generally viewed as ambitious in size and scope, it sought to make the largest nationwide public investments in social, infrastructural, and environmental programs since the 1930s Great Depression-fighting policies of the New Deal.[7]

The plan was divided into three parts: one of them, The American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief spending bill, was signed into law in March 2021.[8] The other two parts were reworked into different bills over the course of extensive negotiations within and among Congressional entities. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) was a proposal to address long-neglected infrastructure needs and reduce America's contributions to climate change's destructive effects;[9] the American Families Plan (AFP) was a proposal to fund a variety of social policy initiatives, some of which (e.g. paid family leave) had never before been enacted nationally in the U.S.[10]

The Build Back Better Act was a bill introduced in the 117th Congress to fulfill aspects of the Build Back Better Plan. It was spun off from the American Jobs Plan, alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as a $3.5 trillion Democratic reconciliation package that included provisions related to climate change and social policy. Following negotiations, the price was lowered to approximately $2.2 trillion. The bill was passed 220–213 by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021.

In December 2021, amidst of negotiations and parliamentary procedures, Senator Joe Manchin publicly pulled his support from the bill for not matching his envisioned cost of about $1.75 trillion[citation needed], then subsequently retracted support for his own compromise legislation. This effectively killed the bill as it needs 50 senators to pass via reconciliation, and all 50 Republican senators opposed it. Continued negotiations between Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer over the course of months eventually resulted in the $737 billion Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[11]

The sudden deal on the Inflation Reduction Act, which was negotiated in secret and announced on July 27, 2022, was widely regarded as a 'shocker' as Democrats had voiced that there was little hope for a revival of many of their priorities in addition to Manchin himself being rather pessimistic on the prospect in public.[12]

As the revised bill made its way through the chambers of Congress, the new reality of Biden unexpectedly having a clear path to enacting substantial portions of his domestic agenda into law led to a wide reevaluation of the success of the Biden presidency thus far and is expected to give the President and his party a boost while campaigning for the upcoming 2022 Midterm elections.[13][14][15]

This is just one example of what goes on behind closed doors that directly affect us as taxpayers.

We must take back our country!

Photo: Prettysleepy - Pixabay






Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Where did it go?

Where did COVID go?

Watching the news this morning and saw a report about the anniversary date of lockdowns due to COVID infections, which at that time was only 17 people in the county.  Two years ago we saw the beginning of a shutdown of the entire United States. Since then, multiple variations of the virus and vaccines have dominated our world for two years.   

But until today I haven't heard much about the virus, pandemic, and absolutely nothing from Fauci. So, where did it go? 

The agenda of keeping everyone distracted on the pandemic has now been replaced by the war in Ukraine. Why are we constantly being distracted, because I think our economy is about to collapse which will eventually effect every aspect of our life, from filling our gas tanks to going to the store to get our necessary supplies. The price of everything is going to go up. 

If you have noticed the Biden administration has blamed all of this on someone or something, its never on them.  I believe the motive behind all of this is to keep the distractions going until right before the 2022 elections and then a major Biden press conference will probably happen sometime in October 2022 and like a wave from a magic wand all the problems will be resolved and the Democrat's will be the heroes, just in time for the elections. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Oil Agenda


The gas price continues to go up, and there is no end to when it will stop. 

Once upon a time, we were completely independent in America, with no dependency on anything from another country.  But, somewhere, we lost that independence. Well, we are paying for that loss now.

The Biden administration refuses to open our oil reserves because it goes against their climate change/green energy agenda. They believe if the price of oil continues to go up, people will eventually stop buying gas because it will be too expensive. And here is the real reason, if America stops buying gas, the government can expand the electric car industry and force people to rid themselves of the oil industry.

We have enough oil in our country to be completely independent, and we should stop the insanity of paying for oil from Russia and other Middle Eastern countries.  I like driving gas-powered vehicles, and as long as we have those oil reserves, we need to continue to drill.