Monday, April 10, 2023

Keep it Simple

Why does politics have to be a component of every decision we make?

This applies to almost everything we hear in the news.  Within businesses, we see this when large corporations compete with other companies; someone is always trying to make a deal with a politician to gain some advantage over their competitors. I don't believe this applies to lower-level office departments, but to some degree, the "office politics" is in progress daily. The entertainment industry has a load of political actors who use their popularity to manipulate fans. And, of course, the sports industry, like the entertainment industry, has its fair share of opinions.

My opinion is to take the politics out, and I know that is impossible, but why can't marketing, businesses, sports, and entertainment eliminate the political aspect. We already have enough problems, so why add to the stress. Keep everything simple; everything does not have to have a political agenda.

Photo - pixabay - flockine               

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