Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Stop the Insanity

 It is hard to believe after Biden made his big announcement about no more Russian oil, the country is in a panic to find more oil from another country - to make a deal with another communist/dictator.

When will the insanity stop?

We have more than enough oil here. We have to get rid of this insane president, who believes he is making good decisions or the people who are telling him what to say - they are just as insane as he is. 

Trump 2024!! 

Photo pixabay - geralt

Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Oil Agenda


The gas price continues to go up, and there is no end to when it will stop. 

Once upon a time, we were completely independent in America, with no dependency on anything from another country.  But, somewhere, we lost that independence. Well, we are paying for that loss now.

The Biden administration refuses to open our oil reserves because it goes against their climate change/green energy agenda. They believe if the price of oil continues to go up, people will eventually stop buying gas because it will be too expensive. And here is the real reason, if America stops buying gas, the government can expand the electric car industry and force people to rid themselves of the oil industry.

We have enough oil in our country to be completely independent, and we should stop the insanity of paying for oil from Russia and other Middle Eastern countries.  I like driving gas-powered vehicles, and as long as we have those oil reserves, we need to continue to drill.