Showing posts with label Nashville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nashville. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Good from the Bad

Good comes from something bad.

This a simple statement that almost always holds true. 

The Nashville school shooting and all the evil that took place on that day have caused a city and nation to unite in the after moments. And that one uniting thing is prayer. 

In the last few days of watching and reading the latest updates, usually, someone will say, please continue praying for the victims of this tragic event. We have seen this so many times in the past how people are united in prayer. 

If you are new to daily prayer, take this time to start, especially now, but continue to pray daily because there is always something to pray for.

Photo - pixabay - Godsgirl_madi

Monday, October 18, 2021

The City

 I have always lived in the suburbs of the city of Nashville TN. I remember the days when it was considered a small town with only one skyscraper and for many years it stayed the same.  Sometime in the mid 80's it began to transform into the major city that it is today.

So, why the post about the city?

The grow of Nashville almost seems to be out of control. Construction of new business buildings as well as apartments and condos are almost monthly and along with all of this brings people. 

Nashville in the early years before has always been a nice place to visit with southern hospitality as the main greeting. But as more people move here from larger cities they bring their culture and customs with them and try to change Nashville to conform to their pervious hometown.

But, that's is not the way it works. If people are moving here they should learn the Nashville way. There is no possible way for the city to conform to whatever city one might come from because its to many people.  At one time, 100 people were moving to Nashville on a daily basis.  I know there is no way to stop this its just my opinion.

Image by Garrett Hill from Pixabay       

Monday, December 28, 2020


On Christmas day in Nashville 2nd Ave was bombed. The only person killed was the bomber. 


On a day for hope and peace.  

They have identified the person, but no motive at this time. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

To Stay or Not to Stay

To stay or not to stay that is the question

As our country's economic heart starts to beat again which means more people are going out to spend their dollars. 

Do we stay at home? Thinking this is not over, the virus is still here. 


Do we leave and go about a somewhat normal way of how we did things?

So, here my rant about this - I live in Nashville and the county is still under a semi stay at home order. The few businesses that have opened are only accepting a few customers. Meanwhile, all the surrounding counties have opened. If I wanted anything that was not offered in Nashville I could drive to another county and get it and return to home.

How does this protect the citizens of Davidson County?

It doesn't because I could assure there are plenty Nashville folks going to other counties. It will be interesting to see what history tells us about the mistakes.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Minor League Baseball

Nashville Sounds Baseball 

Missing the game hope we can get back to this one day

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I took this picture near a construction site in Nashville and after looking at it closer about middle and to the left it looks like someone falling.

Not sure what it is??