Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservatives. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Change is coming

The conservatives have taken control of congress, lookout progressives, and the wave of investigations is coming. First on the agenda is securing the border. Who would have thought this to ever be an issue, but the last few years of a completely open border have created an invasion never seen in the United States. I can only hope that a republican congress can reverse or at least stop and ultimately close the southern US border.  I'm not sure it can be done without the signature of Biden, but at least it should get the attention of the general public which has been somewhat censored. The media and the white house press have controlled the narrative and downplayed the real problem.  I believe the progressive media outlets will at least cover the press releases from congress, critique the conservative opinions, and maybe change the minds of some liberals. 

photo: pixabay   

Monday, November 7, 2022

Priority Vote

The day before the most critical election in recent times. 

This post is specifically for the conservative citizens in the United States.

I realize that sometimes it's challenging to get to the polls because of the balance of time, family, and work. But this election day should take an absolute priority. If you have been current with the news over the last two years, you have clearly seen the agenda the progressives want to accomplish. And most of their legislation has been stopped by the Senate because of the conservative majority. I do not need to remind everyone how radical those laws, if passed, would be, a radical shift in American policies that could never be restored.

Tomorrow make your vote count and help restore America back to the Great country it is - Vote Republican.

Photo: amberzen - pixabay 

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Distraction

I would believe if you asked anyone on the street, what is the one thing that worries you the most?

I don't think it would be the Jan 6th hearings.  The media has gone to the point of broadcasting the event on primetime evening television; nobody cares.  Let's move on; problems like the economy are affecting everyone.

This is an apparent distraction from the reality of the failed policies of the Biden administration.  Plus, this distraction is a straightforward build-up to the November elections. The hearings will focus on what is terrible about the conservatives.


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Speech

 I watched the State of the Union Address last night and it clearly did not give us the true state of our country.

I believe both liberals and conservatives at some point would agree the speech was not good. The liberals didn't hear the list of "all" agenda items Biden promised he would do as president, which was clear in the Democrat response by Rashida Talib. The dems are not happy, they want a more progressive president. And for the conservatives it was a bunch of lies, making statements to try to unite us - what a joke. This country is clearly divided. In the speech, I could not believe I heard him say "we need to secure our borders" and this was directed to the people who are living in the "I don't follow politics or watch the news people" for those this was a profound statement and for all others it was insane, didn't make any sense statement. The man is crazy and his speech writer is make it worse.