Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2024

It's not going to be the same

The recent elections have demonstrated what the American people want.  For the last four years, we have been told that the change was good and, undoubtedly, a different America from years past. But we soon discovered it was the worst, both economically and morally. 

The progressives went too far, even for those within the party. I have had discussions with some of those who considered themselves 'old Democrats' and they agree. There was a time when the differences between Republicans and Democrats were just a few minor issues, and the two agreed on most major topics. In this last election, some of the old Democrats found common ground with Republicans, voting for the Republican candidate because the far left had gone off the deep end.

As we approach the upcoming year, I foresee a new America, unlike any time in recent history. This change will be seen not only from the federal government level but all the way down to counties across the nation. But it will be met with resistance. The far left will not go away quietly.  Yet, we can hold onto hope and pray for a peaceful America entering the approaching new year. 


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Forever Changed

Following up on my last post.

In the last few days, the world experienced a catastrophic earthquake in Morocco, and we in the United States were reminded of the 9/11 attacks. 

The world is an ever-changing place from one day to the next. One minute, our daily routines are all set in motion, and the next minute, the world, as you know, is changed forever.  

We should all think that our lives could drastically change forever any day. We should thank God every morning that we made it to another day. Just as the people in Morocco and those in New York City on 9/11 all started their day thinking it would be the usual daily routine. Their lives were changed forever. Prepare your soul now.

Lord, we pray for all those in Morocco who lost loved ones and for healing those who lost loved ones in New York.

Photo - pixabay - ELG21 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

One Book

So many books out nowadays would have never been published 40 years ago. Books that target specific immoral issues infecting our society. Some would say I don't read books anymore. Any information I need is online. But here is the main difference.  Books can be around for hundreds of years. Online information can change almost daily. The books printed today could still have an impact on those who read them later on. The unethical, unrighteous, and evil words on the pages of some books will possibly influence future societies.

One book has been around as long as 600 B.C., and a newer version about 1,800 years ago. It has all the information one would need to live a good and moral life and learn from the mistakes of others. It is in some way, an encyclopedia of life and death.  And today, it is the most popular book ever printed, which is the Bible. 

If you have one, pick it up and re-read it. If you don't, find one, because it will change your life forever.

Photo - pixabay - bohdanchreptak

Monday, October 24, 2022

Get Back to Work!

I was watching the news this morning, and the reports stated the pandemic affected people to the point of not wanting to return to work.  I understand businesses had to shut down during the pandemic because of local laws. But all of that is over. It's time to get back to work. Industries are suffering now because nobody wants to work. I really do not know how people cannot work.  How are they paying the bills? I know an underlying factor of receiving the unemployment check, but that has to end.  The unemployed cannot continue to live off the government. While those of us continue to work, we can't stay home and wait for our unemployment check. 

If something does not change soon, businesses will either be forced to close or move their business online, or the latest trend in the retail industry is the expansion of self-checkout. And I really do not see that lasting because of shoplifting. There will be a time when everything you buy will be online. The days of going into a business and interacting with a real person are about to end.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Midterm

The top story on most news outlets is the midterm elections. In the past, these elections have had a low turnout of voters at the polls. But this year will be different.  As we will vote in our own states, it's important to note we need to also focus on the other states. Since the last election, the House and Senate have been almost evenly split. The Democrats won the House, and the Republicans won the Senate. The two Houses combined can pass legislation, but nothing will give because each party has a majority vote in each House. 

The midterm elections could change this according to who wins in both houses. If the Dems win both Houses, we can watch our rights and freedoms entirely voted out of the constitution. And if the Republicans win, we can be assured that those rights and freedoms stay in place. 

I believe what makes this election important is the preview of the outlandish legislation the Democrats have proposed in the last several years. The main reason the United States has been so successful is that we are a republic and capitalist country. No other country in the world is like us. We must vote to protect our great country and not let the liberals set into law their socialist policies that can never be changed. Because we are the last free country in the world. Fight for it by casting your vote. 

Photo: geralt - pixabay   

Saturday, September 10, 2022


There is a lot to blog about this month. Here are just a few thoughts:

September is the month of change, at least from my perspective. It's the month of my birthday. It's the change to the fall season. It's also a historical month, the terrorist attacks on September 11th. And especially this year, the mid-term elections will be in full swing to convince voters to vote progressive or conservative on November election day.  And on a short note, the death of Queen Elizabeth will take over most of the news in the coming weeks.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Capitalizing on Change

The pandemic completely changed the way we do business.  The opportunities to reinvent the way we do business have a massive potential for entrepreneurial investments. 

Probably the most significant change is the working-from-home environment.

Here is just a short list of ways someone could invest:

  • The home office - items could be either rented or purchased.
  •  Home office warehouse - distributing office furniture like desks, cabinets, etc. for a corporation; these items would also be retrieved once an employee leaves the company.
  • Office supplies - a growth opportunity for companies like Staples and Office Depot for home delivery.

What will be the next opportunity to expand?

Can a current distributing company expand to cater to home-office opportunities?

This is the American way - capitalism at its best


Monday, May 16, 2022

The Culture of Business Now

The internal working environment before the pandemic was a traditional office culture of a desk, phone, and computer in an office or cubicle and, depending on the position, maybe had a few more office perks. Most people working in an office thought the pandemic would be over in a few months and everything would return to normal. But now, as people have returned after working from home for over two years have discovered the culture of business has changed.

Now - going into the office to do a day's work is inconvenient. The common practice of working from home is the norm. 

Now - Meetings are no longer conducted in a conference room with everyone present in their business attire. Meetings are via zoom call from a home office, kitchen, den, or wherever is the most comfortable. And the dress depends on who's in the meeting but could range from extremely casual to suit and tie.

Now - the hours of sitting in rush hour traffic are gone. One could live hours away from the office or live in another country.

Now - the office lunch bag is gone; an employee could cook their lunch in their own kitchen.

This could go on and on, but the culture of a business office has changed forever, which brings up the next topic - how can new business ventures capitalize on this changing culture? 

Photo: louisehoffmann83/pixabay



Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Cancel Culture

 It is unbelievable how our society has changed so much in the last year almost to the point I don't feel like I live in the United States.

I understand that change is inevitable but somethings should remain constant, like the Boy Scouts should be for boys and not girls and girls sports should be for girls to compete against one another and not have to compete against boys who think they are girls. I heard about a soap product that had the word "normal" on their packaging, well someone was offended by the word normal and now they will remove it from their advertising. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The One Constant

This year has not been a usual year, the world has clearly been affected by the virus.  The influence has varied from person to person, but overall everyone has been impacted. And depending on how each person perceives the virus will determine how they communicate, move about work and in general everyday life.  The politics of the the virus, and how each city determines which businesses are open or closed are also factors in a person life. The vaccine is questionable to some people where others will be standing inline to get it. 

All of these changes are drastic and out of the norm.

But, there is the one constant that never changes or at least should not - and that is prayer.

Our prayer life should always be constant.

Sure there will be days when things are a little crazy especially now.  We are not in control, God is and we should always remember He is our creator and we should recognize that everyday and no matter how our daily life is turned upside down we can only deal with it the best way we can and to pray to God for assistance everyday.   

Friday, May 15, 2020


United We Stand 

As the country re-starts the economy. Now everybody has an opinion about the pandemic whether it's who to blame or this or that could have been accomplished differently, it does not matter. We need to unite just as we did in the first few weeks when everybody was at home and the streets were empty. We seemed to be united during that time because we in someway suffered together. 

The unemployment rate is the highest in years. We can all unite putting all political differences aside. Everyone needs to safely go out and buy goods and services in their local economy. This will jumpstart our cities bring the unemployment down and pumping dollars back for the rebuilding of America.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May Change

The first of May, could this be the month of change?

I hope this month will be the beginning of the world getting back to some normal ways of everyday life. I pray that God will help us all through this pandemic. We must all have faith and pray for those with the virus and well as for those taking care of them. Take time to call someone who might be alone. We are here to help each other.  

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Different Times

I went to the grocery store the other day and I was prepared to be a good citizen during this pandemic and wear my mask.  This was the first time for me going to the store after the official announcement was made for everyone to wear mask when in proximity of people around you.  Well, the surprise hit me when almost everyone in the store was wearing a mask there was just a few people without one and they look out of place.  

We are living in different times. After the 9/11 attacks it changed the way we lived our everyday lives. I believe this pandemic will do the same. After the virus has released us and we start to gather again. People will have that underling thought about the germs on people as well as on the surfaces they touch. And then there will be those as I stated in my last post will go back to their old ways. But it will be a different world.   

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


It's finally Fall

Im looking forward to the cooler temperatures.

Fall is the time of the year for change like Spring - a transitional season. The trees lose their leaves, the animals prepare for the cold winter months ahead just as we should getting our homes shielded against the winter winds. 

Just a thought - maybe a time for us to transition - to prepare ourselves - to shed the old. 

A season to start a new prayer devotion like the rosary or a few novenas during the winter months.  We should always be in mind to pray always, but the seasons can be a good time to renew ourselves.   

Saturday, March 16, 2019

It Will Work Out

Have you ever wanted something to change?

- job
- apartment or house
- health
- relationships

And the list could go on an on.

Sometimes, we can control what happens in our life and other things we can't. When we are faced with those issues we can't control, we have to have faith it will work out. I know the statement seems general, but if you have faith in God and believe your concerns should go away just ask him. Prayer is the start for us asking God what we want, but remember we are just asking and sometimes God has a different opinion on what is best for us. We might think we know what is best, but God is the one in charge and that will not change.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Need for Change

Reading the local liberal newspaper (not a habit) just wanting to see how the left is looking at the elections from yesterday.

I refuse to believe the true conservative movement is dead.

We need to have candidates with strong conservative values. The RINO's have conformed to the liberal agenda. The secularism is overrunning in America. Whatever the trend is today will change tomorrow. This is no way to govern the United States.

I realize there will always be political differences but the problem now is the two parties are at each others throats. What happen to the days of Ronald Reagan, Tip ONeill or Bill Clinton, Newt Geingrich.

This country needs to get back on track before it gets to the point of no return.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Politically Correct

The fear of expressing how you feel about things seems to be today a common problem. People are trying to be politically correct. But the fact that people are not expressing how they think is causing problems in itself.

When we do not speak up on matters of concern in society we give in completely to those who have no problem with saying whats on their mind.

And the result of this action of being "politically correct"

Legal changes that will never return. Some people will say "that's progress" but I disagree. We have changes in society that are immoral and evil.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


All human situations have their inconveniences. We feel those of the present but neither see nor feel those of the future; and hence we often make troublesome changes without amendment, and frequently for the worse.
Benjamin Franklin
US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)
From: The Quotes Page

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


If you are conservative, live in the United States, and a state that is a primary/caucasus state get out and vote.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Should our age define our activities?

As I become older it seems my activities have changed. I'm still as active (I think) as I was in my younger days.

I am more observant of people older than myself. This gives me a possible view of what my activities might be later on in my advanced years. Now, I don't consider myself to be old, but it doesn't hurt to map out my later years.

I have observed people who are much older than I and could probably work and play longer than I could imagine. While others have become stagnate and are ready for the nursing home.

My belief is age is just a number. If you believe that someone should act their age than do so, but this is not what defines you. It is your attitude and how you see life. The drive that gets us out of bed every morning and having goals in life is the force that fights the number we call age.