Saturday, February 15, 2020


noble adjective

no·​ble | \ ˈnō-bəl  \
nobler\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)lər  \; noblest\ ˈnō-​b(ə-​)ləst  \

Definition of noble

1a: possessing outstanding qualities : ILLUSTRIOUS

was a noble king
noble deeds
2: of high birth or exalted rank : ARISTOCRATIC
… my sire is of a noble line …
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge
noble families
3a: possessing very high or excellent qualities or properties
noble wine
b: very good or excellent
See that there be a noble supper provided …
— R. B. Sheridan
4: grand or impressive especially in appearance
noble edifice
a noble cathedral
5: possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals : LOFTY
a noble ambition
a noble cause
6: chemically inert or inactive especially toward oxygen
a noble metal such as platinum
— compare BASE entry 3 sense 2a

Noble is a word we do not hear often.  But their are people we meet and interact with everyday who are noble people.

Do you of any noble people in your life?

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