Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Faith should be in Government

In some countries these two words would not exist in the same sentence, but in the United States it does and has since the beginning. But in the recent years there has been a push to eliminate any connection to God, faith, or religion within our government and this goes from the federal level down to the counties.


I believe there are a couple of reasons.  The progressives have a larger presence within the media and they are effective in manipulating words to convince the public of their agenda. The broadcast of the anti-God statements within the government sounds to the general public that its wrong, statements like separation of church and state.  The real intent of this statement is for the government to not interfere with religion, not religion interfering with the government.

Our country was founded on the Judo-Christian values. 
Some examples:

  • God is mention in our founding documents

  • A Bible is use when a newly elected President is sworn into office 

  • On are currency the words "In God We Trust"

  • A prayer is usually said before meetings

So, with all of this said, I/we conservatives should demand that the faith and value we have established continue to be a part of the governmental processes, because once its gone, its gone forever.  

Thursday, July 9, 2020


The month of July

The patriotic month for the United States.

But it has not seemed so patriotic with groups of people trying to dismantle our history. The history of the United States is what we have, good or bad its ours.  And with our history we learn how to make life better for us now and in the future. 

This time of protest is the first for me in my life to experience the un-patriot. America has within always had differences in opinions but the disrespect I have seen to law, various institutions, history, and the American Flag has been troubling. I realize that not all of America feels this way. The silent majority is quite and observing. I believe the reserved citizens will not take this anymore. Peaceful protest will begin, and the introverted majority will come out and unite against this disrespect for our country.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


At this point I would have thought the pandemic would have been almost over.  I will say that more people are out and about, but there are still some restrictions on the gatherings and social distancing around the US. 

The pandemic has been hard and to make matters worst we now have protest which I will not get into on this post.  We are the United States of America.  During any crisis we have come together and united without the political or any of the other views that have separated us in the past. We have always stood united.  I pray we will come out of this crisis a better country.